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Author Topic: Rocket Launcher Crafter  (Read 2190 times)

Rocket Launcher Crafter
« on: September 15, 2011, 09:32:01 pm »


I'm planning to build a self-sufficient Rocket Launcher welding fellow, which after dying will be able to rebuild his gear. I play Turn Based and don't want to use drugs or at least the rarer ones as I've never bothered with that part of the game. I want to sell loot to Merchants.
Little bit of brainstormin' ahead, correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.

To craft the weapon and ammo I'll need Gunsmith (Big Guns) [1]:
60% Repair
50% Science
55% Big Guns
4 Strength
5 Agility
3 Charisma

However resources for it requires Good Metal Parts for which I need to be able to mine High Quality Iron Ore so:
100% Science.

Shooting the big thing:
7 Strength

Plus it costs 7 Action Points. 6 AP with Bonus Rate of Fire. I'd like to shoot two of those each turn by walking around with two sets of Launchers. So that makes 12 APs.
10 Agility
Bonus Rate of Fire
Action Boy
Action Boy
6 Perception (BoF)
6 Intelligence (BoF)


Putting everything together, bringing the highest values:
7 Strength
6 Perception
1 Endurance
3 Charisma
6 Intelligence
10 Agility
1 Luck

100% Science
60% Repair
55% Big Guns

Bonus Rate of Fire @ 15
Action Boy @ 18
Action Boy @ 21

6 Points left. 7 Endurance is as good as 6. By picking Small Frame it will be on 8. Here I'm afraid about the weight I'll be able to carry.
Awareness @ 3 lvl
Pack Rat @ 6 lvl
Life Giver @ 12 lvl

No clue about Awareness and Life Giver there, just saw them at other people's builds.

Will tag Big Guns (pump to ??), Outdoorsman (pump to leftovers), Science (pump to 100%). Finally pump Repair to 60%.

Is there a space left for Gunsmith (Big Guns) [3] to craft Rocket AP (120% Science)? How much points into Big Guns? What other trait, Kamikaze?

Any feedback appreciated.

Played around a bit with Calculator:
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 11:01:42 pm by fuzz »
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Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 11:45:18 pm »

Self-sufficient huh ? Well the idea is nice , for a drugless build it is quite decent but you will never ever compete with proper drugged powerbuilds(especially vs tb chars ) im just saying you may be disappointed how un?efficient your build is combat vise.

Take stonewall instead of 1. earlier seq , take 2x bonus move instead of 2. earlier seq and pack rat(the carry weight should be sufficient) , you must use cigarettes in order to gain 7 pe to maximize RL range , drop 1 agility put into PE and use nuka cola(easy to get) +1 free agility. There is another problem you have no DOC no combat char is viable without it , if you get crippled you can't do shit even if you escape then you will have to visit a doctor in some town every time.

By the way you don't craft RL it's a time waste , better to exploit bos vs mutants(just watch them fight let BOS loot what they want and you pick up the rest) near BOS bunker or just buy them since their cheap , or you can try to farm unity near broken hills , it's kinda hard to do solo if you don't have a specialized char for it but i think your build will do fine against unity but still i am not sure.

and just an observation the mixed crafter/combat chars most of the time are kinda bad with few exceptions.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 12:02:26 am by T-888 »


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Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 02:04:54 am »

...just an observation the mixed crafter/combat chars most of the time are kinda bad with few exceptions.
Thats me ;D jk I have the skill but trust me 1 end is hard to level early and requires support in PvP combat. As for skill to put BG to: make a quick char to check how far you can see with your perception then use char planner to check how much skill is needed to hit 95% of time with average AC.
...will never ever compete with proper drugged powerbuilds...
Its true, you can find cigarettes and nuka colas easy and you really don't need them for PvE only PvP. you should put those spare points into needed spots.
When you hear people talking about the great leader of the Armeggedon Arms Co., there talking about me. On the flip side when you hear them laughing about the Plague who stood next to guard and died or something else like that, that would be my brother Ben.
Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2011, 11:18:29 am »

(...)Take stonewall instead of 1. earlier seq , take 2x bonus move instead of 2. earlier seq and pack rat(the carry weight should be sufficient) , you must use cigarettes in order to gain 7 pe to maximize RL range , drop 1 agility put into PE and use nuka cola(easy to get) +1 free agility. There is another problem you have no DOC no combat char is viable without it , if you get crippled you can't do shit even if you escape then you will have to visit a doctor in some town every time.(...)
I've been told that Stonewall should be taken with 10 EN and even then it doesn't do wonders.
I ditched First Aid and Doctor all together as they can't be used in TB, don't mind walking to an NPC to get on my feet again or gettin' patched up by other players.
Cigarettes sound great, freebie PE, although there's no entry about Tobacco on wiki so I guess they aren't craftable, right? Seems like there's a huge demand on this, how's with the availability then? If any merchant sells them I bet I wont win the rat race with all the barter alts parked next to him.

(...) you can find cigarettes and nuka colas easy and you really don't need them for PvE only PvP. you should put those spare points into needed spots.
Same deal with Nuka-Cola, I'll prolly loot those SECs here and there but "The machine has 30 seconds cooldown", really?

Also I was double-checkin' the wiki's entry on Good Metal Parts and noticed that requirements are in fact 80% Science, so this means that I can also mine the High Quality Iron Ore with 80% not 100% points?
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Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2011, 11:31:15 am »

you can get unlimted cigs and nuka cola in junktown at night thru a dialog in the scum pit or w/e, but smoking lowers ur charisma and u wont be able to talk to doctors to heal urself


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Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2011, 07:06:10 pm »

I like 16 AP . I want to be able to shoot and walk away to cover.I think I had a build like that around somewhere.I'l be happy to  share.He is crafter too.But pshycho and buffout.

jonny rust

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Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 10:50:40 pm »

If you plan to only fight in TB then it may pay to raise your sequence as much as you can. That first hit will be crucial to you with only 1 endurance.

If you are able to come by good armor you could take Kamikaze as a trait (didn't see any traits posted) and dodger as a perk to counteract the AC reduction.
Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2011, 12:48:28 pm »

(...) trust me 1 end is hard to level (...)
(...) That first hit will be crucial to you with only 1 endurance.(...)
I knew it that by putting a not completed stat list near the end will show who actually have read the whole post. Kinda spoiled it now with editing and adding the picture though.
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Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2011, 01:03:54 pm »

I've been told that Stonewall should be taken with 10 EN and even then it doesn't do wonders.

You have been told wrong stonewall is decent even with 8 end , you won't even notice the difference because stonewall really doesn't do wonders but it's better than nothing.


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Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2011, 01:53:30 am »

any luck with this build? could you post a build if there are improvements?
When you hear people talking about the great leader of the Armeggedon Arms Co., there talking about me. On the flip side when you hear them laughing about the Plague who stood next to guard and died or something else like that, that would be my brother Ben.


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Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2011, 04:51:17 pm »

I'll post the build of my crafter. It could be used for some PvE fights. It could be kinda hard to do some harsh PvP with such character, but it's good guide, car repairman and 3rd grade Big Guns Crafter. Oh, also I can make some jackets. ;)

Some people would ask "200% Big Guns? What for?"  As you see, this character's Strenght is 6, while Rocket Launcher requires 7. As you surely know, while your character's strenght is below the minimal for weapon you have -20% of weapon skill penality. So the "real" skill of B. Saltwater is 180% of Big Guns while using Rocket Launcher. It's enough to fight effective for max range with Launcher.
7 Perception gices you 41 hex sight range. It's enough for rocket launcher, cause it's range is 40 hexes. Sharpshooter gives you additional 6 hex of sight range.
7 Agility definitely wouldn't make him a TB ape, Nuka-Cola gives him 1 Agility and in this case one additional action point. It's enough to fire, reload and move one hex. (with Nuka-Cola, without only fire and reload)
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 05:03:07 pm by headshot »
Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2011, 05:08:28 pm »

I like it. Level 14 as I'm posting this, build is the same as in the calculator. I'll probably start with something similar after the wipe, rather than my usual Small Guns and Armorer Crafter.
So far I've always started the fight first. Flamer was amazing, only trouble was finding that god damn Still in Junktown. Spending twenty minutes looking fir it to get shitfaced wasn't fun at all. Also I wish I knew earlier that there is a Fruit patch in Modoc along with Wood to chop nearly, was shooting rockets already when I made the trip there. Flamer's Heaven I'd say as you got Workbench along with the Still in the nearby Farm. During the scorchin' phase I was roaming the surrounding areas of Theme-Park, gathering and hoarding batches of Electronic Parts for crafting rockets later.
Pack Rat saves the trips to grab High Quality Ores. Oh, and 80% Science is enough, saved points went into Big Guns.

EDIT: Didn't see headshot's post.
(...)Some people would ask "200% Big Guns? What for?"  As you see, this character's Strenght is 6, while Rocket Launcher requires 7. As you surely know, while your character's strenght is below the minimal for weapon you have -20% of weapon skill penality.(...)
Also worth mentioning is what TheGreenHand has stated in other thread: "lower ST not only gives a skill penalty, but also increases the chance of critical failures.".
As for the high BG, the % chance of hitting is lowered when you're aim is blocked and you want to hit a target behind someone.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 05:24:10 pm by fuzz »
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Re: Rocket Launcher Crafter
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2011, 05:27:03 pm »

Wearing decent armor you will most likely survive 2 lsw bursts from range, which is a very common attack in TB - and yes, take 2x bonus move, it's important in city maps and good in other maps aswell.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 05:29:05 pm by Stick »
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