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Author Topic: [Mini Guide] How to go from newbie to richer newbie in under 1-2 hours.  (Read 1953 times)

Step 1: Make character with HtH or Melee or SG tagged, rest of the stuff is optional and your choice.

Step 2: Spawn, and instantly start looking for a source of junk, gather large amounts of junk by stopping on city tiles without encountering monsters.

Step 3: Make junk in to BB's, and sell for stupidly large amounts of caps, or barter for anything else you want, but mainly you want a weapon to kill brahmin, plus ammo.

Step 4: Go up to modoc and pwn zeh moomooz, and dodge moonshiners, unless you have an SMG and 10 AG (Read your specials) and are at least level 6.

Step 5: Make tent, gather more junk, make more BB's, sell for more random stuff you want or caps, and do it over and over until you finally get bored and want to shoot something again.

And poof, if all things go well you will be well armed and have a tent, money, and guns in under 1-2 hours, at least if you have a decent ping (150-200) and can hunt in real time.

All without being a jerk and base raping people, since that's the other "Get rich quick" tactic.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 11:12:40 pm by Ulrek »


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Re: How to go from newbie to richer newbie in under 1-2 hours.
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2011, 10:48:53 pm »

Sounds pretty good. Another alternative to your first step is to go to the area around Broken Hills first and then find something like Raiders vs Unity Patrol, Broken Hills Caravan vs Unity. Run away if a Rogue (any NPC in leather jacket sprite) starts chasing you.

then collect the loot after the winning team has fully looted (or if a body is destroyed by Rocket Launcher, you can pick up the items directly, just don't go into the inventory of an NPC until the winning side loots). I'm sure you probably know this, I'm just stating this known fact to others who might not.

And then pwn zeh moomooz around Modoc.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: How to go from newbie to richer newbie in under 1-2 hours.
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2011, 10:52:12 pm »

Eh, well crafting BB's is 40 XP for every 4 junk you collect, that's why i prefer it because you will level up while doing it, plus you make loads of caps, just from making BB's i can easily get enough caps to screw around with cheap melee mercs and buy pet dogs to keep me company, having a black metal armor guy + mauser is actually really nice for backing you up without having to get in to the middle of everything.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 10:54:24 pm by Ulrek »


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Re: How to go from newbie to richer newbie in under 1-2 hours.
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2011, 10:56:37 pm »

Oh right, I forgot about the XP. It's certainly better than shoveling brahmin shit either way though :)
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: [Mini Guide] How to go from newbie to richer newbie in under 1-2 hours.
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2011, 01:49:15 pm »

Make any char with tagged outdoorsman and 3 CHA and high AG, and tagged SG, and at least 4 ST (or 5 better).

Collect 1 junk, and 1 wood >> make knife.

Go to random loaction without critters. Look for plants. If you find, collect 96 fibers (cooldown).

Go to any guarded town with workbench.

Start making ropes. If your overweighted, go to traders, and sell it.

After spending all fibers into ropes u have: 960exp and 4800caps. It takes around 15 minutes for whole operation.

Now u can buy 10brahmin hides in Modoc, and make first tent. And some smg, and ammo. U have now 2 lvl, spend all SP to SG skill.
You can now look for encounters like: VC Patrol vs strong slavers/ghouls/scavengers/raiders/Highwaymen.
Keep distance, and try to kill knocked outs guys.
It usually takes around 20 mins to get another level. Again spend all SP to SG skill. Now you can try not only finish knocked outs slavers/ghouls etc, but kill them too (still only in VC patrol vs.... encounters).
Re: [Mini Guide] How to go from newbie to richer newbie in under 1-2 hours.
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2011, 05:15:39 am »

Make any char with tagged outdoorsman and 3 CHA and high AG, and tagged SG, and at least 4 ST (or 5 better).

Collect 1 junk, and 1 wood >> make knife.

Go to random loaction without critters. Look for plants. If you find, collect 96 fibers (cooldown).

Go to any guarded town with workbench.

Start making ropes. If your overweighted, go to traders, and sell it.

After spending all fibers into ropes u have: 960exp and 4800caps. It takes around 15 minutes for whole operation.

Now u can buy 10brahmin hides in Modoc, and make first tent. And some smg, and ammo. U have now 2 lvl, spend all SP to SG skill.
You can now look for encounters like: VC Patrol vs strong slavers/ghouls/scavengers/raiders/Highwaymen.
Keep distance, and try to kill knocked outs guys.
It usually takes around 20 mins to get another level. Again spend all SP to SG skill. Now you can try not only finish knocked outs slavers/ghouls etc, but kill them too (still only in VC patrol vs.... encounters).

That can work as well, but BB's are easier just because you don't have to use the drop down menu on the knife after you clicked on the plant, also you can use them to trade for caps at places that don't buy them for more then 1 cap per BB because you make so many that 200 BB's turning in to 200 caps still isn't a bad deal.

Re: [Mini Guide] How to go from newbie to richer newbie in under 1-2 hours.
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2011, 09:14:36 am »

Youre definately right. but theres one big advantage of leveling up on ropes. You need only one random encounter with fibers. Rest of work, you can manage in safety place, and dont risk meeting other wastelanders.
Collecting junk is kinda risky, because there is always few players waiting in city tiles.
But you know, both ways have advantages.
Re: [Mini Guide] How to go from newbie to richer newbie in under 1-2 hours.
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2011, 01:02:06 pm »

Keep in mind that the gathering cooldowns temporarily have been lowered.
After the wipe they'll probably be back at their old values which means you won't be able to collect that much junk.
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