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Author Topic: A few small suggestions.  (Read 3989 times)

A few small suggestions.
« on: September 15, 2011, 08:48:11 am »

Pretty great game. A few small changes could make it alot better though.

Dialogue is a big hit on fun, It's so poorly done in some places that it ruins doing quests completely. I hope in the future that someone is assigned to clean it up.

Another thing that could help out is steamworks. I hear it's very easy to implement into a game, and would provide alot of advantages to not only the players, but the dev team.
Players could download Fonline directly from steam (provided they own Fallout 2)

This would allow free advertising, and bring in alot more donations.
It could also mean more experienced coders, Allowing for quicker/more updates to quests/gameplay. It might even bring in modelers/texturers, In the future we might be able to see more than rats in 3d. ;P

One more small thing I wanted to bring up was merchants. Guns, Radios ect. should be stacked, It would make going through a shop alot easier.

Let me know what you think.


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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 11:13:33 am »

Welcome to the fonline2238 forum. Enjoy your stay :)

Another thing that could help out is steamworks.

I think that this is a must, but not at this point. The game is still beta and it still have a lot of things to be improved.

One more small thing I wanted to bring up was merchants. Guns, Radios ect. should be stacked, It would make going through a shop alot easier.

IIRC, such feature for the radios is going to be added after the server update. Meanwhile, it's not that simple to apply to guns, since they have a deterioration parameter, so it's not clear how to stack them. If you want to stack them by that parameter, then it will change little to nothing.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 11:17:07 am by Graf »


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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 11:25:04 am »

Is Steamworks even a valid option? After all, we don't own the Fallout IP nor are we allowed to do anything fancy with it. Also, if I am not wrong now, VALVe decides who has access to it anyway. You can't simply put your game on Steam, that's not possible.


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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2011, 02:57:32 pm »

Lexx right. I always thought you have to own the diricts, and even if technically could be done (no money made from this) in the actual pretty "unclear" legal status of FOnline it is pretty a suicide.
Quote from: Grommok
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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2011, 07:47:25 pm »

Graf: Thanks, I hope to become a regular around here, seems like a good, friendly community.
I totally forgot about weapon condition, I can see how that could be a problem.

Lexx: You are correct, You don't own the Fallout IP, Which is exactly why Fonline is free-to-play.
I seriously doubt Interplay has any problems with Fallout:2238, I'm pretty sure they would have voiced any concerns by now. As far as valve choosing which games go on steam, You are absolutely correct! But that doesn't stop Valve from seeing what a great Fonline is!
(On a side note, I think Interplay would welcome Fallout:2238, Considering it would be a requirement that you own Fallout 2 to download it, It's making them free money.)

Grommok: I don't see it that way, I think the only thing that MIGHT set you back is Bethesda refusing to let the name "Fallout" be used. In which case, Whats so bad about calling the game "Fonline"? I think it's rather catchy ;P

Thanks for the input guys.

Edit: I also noticed no one commented on the dialogue portion. Does nobody care, Or is this already a big issue?
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 07:52:06 pm by Henderson »
Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 08:37:06 pm »

It isn't up to Interplay as they are currently in a legal dispute about their fallout online + if bethseda actually owns the fallout name or if they broke the contract trying to fuck over interplay, the good news is I doubt either of those parties would do anything about Fonline until of course one side or the other wins the legal battles (granted I'm betting on interplay winning unless Bethseda can actually get good lawyers) Even once that is settled they would probably leave it alone unless they figured it interfered with their MMO (which is doubtful not like this has 10000 people playing it and would make them give a shit about it)

Dialogue seems pretty secondary TBH but if you find problems with it, report it in the bug section and it usually get's fixed fast

I hate steam so won't bother commenting on that.

I don't think we need more Devs as we have a good amount, only problem is RL interfers with updating the game so we should find out where they live, kidnap them and lock them in a room together with computers. Fixes the need of jobs, family etc.
Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2011, 09:01:19 pm »

Slaver Snipe

Let me start by saying Thank you for taking the time to reply.
I think you may have a few things mistaken though. Its a cross between both companies that own it. Interplay owns most of the content (Dialogue, Textures, models, engine ect.) While Bethesda owns the Fallout name and all content associated with it (for instance, "Nuka Cola" is owned by Beth despite being created by Interplay)

I disagree on your opinion of Interplay "winning" any kind of lawsuit. I have looked into the lawsuit between the two companies quite extensively and from my understanding, IF Interplay is not allowed to finish the Fallout MMO, then the IP returns to Interplay after three games. If however they are allowed to finish, Bethesda owns the Fallout IP outright. I suppose you could call it a "win" if Interplay is allowed to finish, But I'm seeing Beth coming out as the real winner here, Sitting on a cash cow, in a legal dispute with a company that is so poor, they are holding onto the gaming industry by their teeth. Honestly, I am glad Beth now owns Fallout (sorry classic Fallout fans) Because Interplay without Black Isle is nothing. We might as well hire Activision to make our Fallout games.

Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to post any mistakes I see there from now on.

As for the last bit: LOL. Please do :)

Thank you for the reply, I appreciate the time you (and everyone else) have taken address my concerns.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 09:07:27 pm by Henderson »


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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2011, 03:30:28 pm »

I disagree on your opinion of Interplay "winning" any kind of lawsuit. I have looked into the lawsuit between the two companies quite extensively and from my understanding, IF Interplay is not allowed to finish the Fallout MMO, then the IP returns to Interplay after three games. If however they are allowed to finish, Bethesda owns the Fallout IP outright. I suppose you could call it a "win" if Interplay is allowed to finish, But I'm seeing Beth coming out as the real winner here, Sitting on a cash cow, in a legal dispute with a company that is so poor, they are holding onto the gaming industry by their teeth. Honestly, I am glad Beth now owns Fallout (sorry classic Fallout fans) Because Interplay without Black Isle is nothing. We might as well hire Activision to make our Fallout games.
Technically, if Interplay doesnt win, loses Fallout forever. Bethesda bought the entire trademark, not only the license for 3 games.
I agree that Interplay without Black Isle is almost nothin', but we have to hope mon. Nothin' can be worser than Fallout 3, 'cept maybe Fallout: COD Edition.
You have to remember that Interplay made Fallout and is father, Wasteland, a game for DOS, that i think it's considered Abadonware (so download it, DOSbox and play!). Some might tell "Yey, it's back to '88!", and they would be right. But remember that in '88 Black Isle didnt exist.
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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2011, 05:05:35 pm »

The people who made these games aren't at Interplay anymore.


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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2011, 06:36:53 pm »

In my country, we say
La speranza รจ l'ultima a morire
That means:
Hope is last to die
Hopin' all i got. Aint' got nothin' else for those wonderful games.
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!
Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2011, 08:48:11 pm »


Originally Beth licensed the right to make three new fallout games. Shortly after they bought the IP under the terms that Interplay could make the MMO. If however Interplay is not allwoed to finish, the deal is null and void, the IP will go back to interplay.

I rather enjoyed Fallout 3, and New Vegas turned out to be ALOT better (more like the originals in terms of story and dialogue) you should give it a shot, It was made by alot of the guys who made the originals.

I have had the pleasure of playing "wasteland" once before, I didn't find it to be that fun, nor would I say it came even relatively close to fallout in terms of sheer ass-kicking good times. Black-Isle is what made Interplay. Honestly I don't know what all the hate at Bethesda is for (Not implying that you dislike their company) If Bethesda hasn't stepped in, there wouldn't be a fallout anymore. If Bethesda hadn't bought the Fallout IP, Interplay wouldn't even be around anymore.


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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2011, 08:59:10 pm »

Well, than i lost a piece *-*
You bring some hope to me, to us all.
I must admit that, at first, i quite liked Bethesda's Fallout 3, atleast until i played Fallout and Fallout 2. New Vegas is ALOT better, much nearer to original games in both storyline and general feeling. BTW, the only thing that made Fallout 3 a game to remember , for me, are the user-made contenent.
Wasteland, is an old-school RPG, much much nearer to a tabletop game then Fallout, maybe for the TOTAL lack of graphic (everything is written). It wasnt bad for me, just a little too... empty, maybe for the lack of dialogue.
It isnt near to Fallout, it's only it's "spiritual" father.
Quote from: Grommok
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jonny rust

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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2011, 06:13:20 am »

Ok, I'm gonna give New Vegas a shot one of these days, you guys brought me around.

As far as stacking guns goes, I think it makes sense to do it even if it is only the 0% det guns that are getting stacked. For one thing, it would make it easier to see the brand new guns quickly instead of checking each one.

In fact, if damaged guns slowly got repaired while in a merchants possession (lets say the merchant is doing it on his spare time) then merchant inventories would start to look much cleaner.

Same goes for armor

The other problem is ammunition, so lets say the merchant unloads the gun when he gets it, ammo goes one place and the gun goes another.


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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2011, 03:09:08 pm »

Actually almost always players unload the gun, but just in case they could get unloaded between a costumer and another.
Quote from: Grommok
Chi si ritira dalla lotta
E' un gran figlio di mignotta!

jonny rust

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Re: A few small suggestions.
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2011, 05:29:46 pm »

Actually almost always players unload the gun, but just in case they could get unloaded between a costumer and another.

I find ammo in guns all the time, but then, I sell them with ammo all the time too.
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