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Author Topic: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238  (Read 57955 times)

Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #150 on: September 25, 2011, 07:22:21 pm »

Maybe, there should be a sort of "luck roll", that will give you chances of being saved after dying. (still you cant be saved after being melted)
i agree, i already layed out some ideas in my post above about that...
Also, i completely agree with johnny rust on alt/economy issue. Not that it matters :P

jonny rust

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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #151 on: September 25, 2011, 07:25:23 pm »

Alting might not go well with RP, I guess we agree there. But saying that a guy who alts and plays different roles with each character is hypocritical, that probably just means you have no idea what RP means (which I don't think is your case jonny).

True roleplaying demands serious and mature players, they can play different roles with different characters without a problem. As said countless times, RP is about being the character, not yourself.

Alright, what I said was probably too definitive (I only just woke up) but I still think their should be boundaries when RP alting.

For starters, I think if you have two characters going at the same time then they should maintain separation. If they know each other, then thats probably just an excuse for them to outfit each other, which imo is anti-social and not about RP. I spend most of my time meeting people and finding professionals who I can trade with, or help mutually. I usually only alt to partake in RP's that my main character can't participate in and none of my characters know each other or help each other, they all have to crawl out of the same hole by their own devices.

Also, for me personally , I need to have a really good idea of what each character is like and wants out of the world before I can play him. Once I have him in mind I need to ask myself if I will actually enjoy playing with him for a long period. Usually, I won't.  I can't personally have a dozen characters on the go at once and RP each one well, so instead I focus on just one or two who are on different parts of the spectrum and who never meet. But I guess each of us have different limits.

Also, i completely agree with johnny rust on alt/economy issue. Not that it matters :P

It does matter, a working MMO needs to have a working economy. Since we are still Beta its no wonder that it doesn't yet work, but whats the point of testing if we aren't going to address/solve things like this?


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #152 on: September 26, 2011, 09:13:26 am »

quick sum-up of this thread:

-roleplay is possible with motivation of the players doing it
-roleplay in unsafe places without GM protection can be beat down easily or are target of lulz-hungry players
-roleplay is restricted due to game mechanics (whatever they be: NC/alting/interaction etc etc)
-roleplayers and non-roleplayers might have difficulties amongst themselves.

Now what I would love to know from this discussion:

If you could roleplay a specific role that is not bound to the "normal" player-character, for example an intelligent deathclaw, a broken robot wandering around, a dog, a ghul crazy or a mutant of the Rotma, would this encourage you to roleplay? It would come with ups and downs game mechanic side of course. A ghul would be immune to radiation but also weaker in physique (i hope i spelled that right).

The reason I ask this is because I would personally love to have a character to do such. I also would love to encounter a group of player ghul crazys or muties when im on a "normal" human character. It would bring much more variety.

Sadly those options lead to possibilities of exploiting again. Nobody is forced to RP with those characters and we soon could have PvP-Apes becoming PvP-Muties and that wouldn't be the reason it was intented for :-\


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #153 on: September 26, 2011, 09:53:39 am »

Sadly those options lead to possibilities of exploiting again. Nobody is forced to RP with those characters and we soon could have PvP-Apes becoming PvP-Muties and that wouldn't be the reason it was intented for :-\
No PvP ape will ever become a mutie/ghoul as main PvP char, because the unability to run is too much, no matter the reward.
Second, it may surprise you, but some PvP apes also do RP.
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #154 on: September 26, 2011, 12:01:50 pm »

Good thing you reminded me about missing run animations.
That makes it really do-able to implement such feature.

But yeah, the outcome is still dependant of the players personal behaviour.

PS: No insult to PvP-Apes was intended in my previous post concerning RP. I just know that most PvPers will do anything to get maximum power out of their main-PvP-character.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #155 on: September 26, 2011, 12:05:47 pm »

Second, it may surprise you, but some PvP apes also do RP.

If RPing is typing *shits in mouth* over a corpse...
-= It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice. =-


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #156 on: September 26, 2011, 12:15:05 pm »

If RPing is typing *shits in mouth* over a corpse...

Almost never seen that from a true PvP guy, people doing this are usually shitty random PKs with low tier stuff (high tier if they are in good number, it makes them confident), shitty builds and bad skill, that you only see in TC when big alliance accepting pretty much everyone are made.
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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #157 on: September 26, 2011, 04:09:38 pm »

Oh Crazy, Crazy...
"PvP Ape" is term which refers to person who's absolutely not interested in roleplaying, but in PvP fights and tree controll. You said something like "Adolf Hitler wasn't nazi". Killing people and shouting "It's for the Great Justice" or whatever you shouting then (put your favourite quote) isn't RP yet. Low tier stuff PvP is imho rather trolling than any reasonable attempt to RP. You might have whole community behind ya, thousands of fan art drawings but still it will be not a role play.  Roleplay is that, what you'd surely call "drinking e-beer" or "saying shits like Hello, Wastelander". Yes. Fight is only the little part, even in post nuclear universe. PK/APK bullshits won't help you to make RP on 2238 server. Hardcore roleplay isn't possible here, for example because of respawns. You see Ed. Ed's dead.. oh look mighty invisible farmers from Modoc took him and reconstructed his body and jump suit. But although this, what naysayers would say, some Role Play is possible, Look at Jovanka's dominant doctor char. ;) RPing in public places is hard, almost impossible, and also in case of non-guarded places it have to be combined with PvP (unfortunately) to satisfy all. Examples? Not so long ago, Sarmatians held Den, the area next to Metzger's building was guarded by them, and each "guard" wasn't just another PvP ape who says "Imma guard, imma shoot pk, hurr!"  but tried to play some roles when town was particulary safe. So as you see, everything depends of people, their goals and motivation level.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #158 on: September 26, 2011, 04:17:52 pm »

Agreed with every word you've said there, headshot. A good post.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #159 on: September 26, 2011, 05:23:38 pm »

Oh Crazy, Crazy...
"PvP Ape" is term which refers to person who's absolutely not interested in roleplaying, but in PvP fights and tree controll.

We should write the exact definition on the wiki.

You said something like "Adolf Hitler wasn't nazi". Killing people and shouting "It's for the Great Justice" or whatever you shouting then (put your favourite quote) isn't RP yet.

I agree it's a combat taunt more than true RP. Still, it's a RP combat taunt, as a VC NPC could shout "Vault city will prevail!", and very different (from my point of view) from "I p0WN YA NO0B!1!".
It's exactly what my character would shout in combat, so, though primitive, it's still kinda RP.

Roleplay is that, what you'd surely call "drinking e-beer" or "saying shits like Hello, Wastelander".

I do salute people I met. Though I use more the word "civilian". And for me, this still a bit limited RP. RP become really interesting when you start to tell your stories of what happened IG, when you debate of these actions, when you racket people...

Yes. Fight is only the little part, even in post nuclear universe. PK/APK bullshits won't help you to make RP on 2238 server.

I do agree on that, and it's why TTTLA always refused to say that we are "APK". Though if you shoot on sight, obviously, not much RP is possible.

RPing in public places is hard, almost impossible, and also in case of non-guarded places it have to be combined with PvP (unfortunately) to satisfy all.

Why unfortunately? It's what make all the taste of it.

Examples? Not so long ago, Sarmatians held Den, the area next to Metzger's building was guarded by them, and each "guard" wasn't just another PvP ape who says "Imma guard, imma shoot pk, hurr!"  but tried to play some roles when town was particulary safe. So as you see, everything depends of people, their goals and motivation level.
I am myself trying to act like my character when guarding a place. And so do many of my mates (special mention to Slaz, living proof that mixing RP and PvP is possible). Even when only half of the team is doing RP, as long the second half don't interfere, it works well.
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #160 on: September 26, 2011, 06:45:14 pm »

Second, it may surprise you, but some PvP apes also do RP.

Totally agreed. In a game like Fonline 2238, if roleplayers cant pvp they are doomed to play in southern towns where roleplay is really limited (talking and trading).

Like I said before, You gotta fight for your right to roleplay!
Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #161 on: September 29, 2011, 05:59:11 am »

If you could roleplay a specific role that is not bound to the "normal" player-character, for example an intelligent deathclaw, a broken robot wandering around, a dog, a ghul crazy or a mutant of the Rotma, would this encourage you to roleplay? It would come with ups and downs game mechanic side of course. A ghul would be immune to radiation but also weaker in physique (i hope i spelled that right).
That variety of unique roles exists at our server, there are even game possibilities of turning into ghoul or mutant. BUT there comes a problem when there is too much of such players, couse such roles in high numbers kinda breaking atmosphere. There is also problem of proper behaviour for that roles, players just go ofcharacter too much: robots suddenly act on emotions, supermutants too smart or too kind, intelligent deathclaws too intelligent and so. My point is that allowing such roles should be restricted to GM aproval or to be a way of awarding for good and interesting play. For slow skins - it kinda trait for ghouls and supermutes, also 3d models would eliminate that, but even without them engine allows accelerating of movement animations so creating fast moving ghouls not realy big problem.

About pvp: real roleplay not even about proper winning, its more about proper losing. It is real problem for players to accept that they lost so in clinch they doing ofcharacter things and after death start avenging by alts and such.
Guy got surrounded by 3 raiders demending his worthy loot - he run instead giving up, guy got captured by supermutant got his leg broken but still trying to run, guy got slightly taunted by mafia man in town's bar and go berserk with flamer on five armed bouncers  -  these are real examples from our serv how players send RP to ass in attempts to "win". It is very sad but that happens a lot with almost all new players and takes tome until they realise that proper losing is also part of game.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 06:31:04 am by z0m2h14 »

jonny rust

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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #162 on: September 29, 2011, 06:55:00 pm »

Yep, this server is a big casino and just like H.S. Thompson, players need to learn to "enjoy losing" as its all part of the game.

Of course it can be difficult to be a 'good' loser when beaten by a 'bad' winner but then it's more important than ever. Just remind yourself that the guy gloating down at you is just a socially awkward teen who is swearing in a second language and probably really needs that small victory in his life, so even though he's being a dick about it.... just let him have it, and die well ;)


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #163 on: September 29, 2011, 07:07:38 pm »

who is swearing in a second language

From what I've seen I can tell that some of the worst English speakers around the 2238 wasteland are native English speakers :S

But anyway I agree with z0m2h14 said about winning and losing. Like I have said on other posts, players' hunger for victory and perfection is what always ruins this game.


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Re: Roleplaying in FOnline:2238
« Reply #164 on: September 29, 2011, 07:25:16 pm »

From what I've seen I can tell that some of the worst English speakers around the 2238 wasteland are native English speakers :S
I think it's because they didnt had to study it. The same reason for I talk english better than Italian :P
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