Not "sad dude", i would prefer "lifeless noobish nerd".
Let me see if I've got this down right, I'm a sad lifeless noobish nerd, while you are nothing short of amazingly awesome. Phew, I'm so glad we got that out of the way. Do you even call into question the recruitment requirements of the outcasts? Well let me share with you my cunning expert noobie wan kenobi tactics I used to infiltrate the outcasts. I stood around the table in Ncr like most any troll or mobster and saw a guy shouting "Does anybody want to join a faction?" I queried the fellow about the name and nature of such faction, and then said I would love to join. He took me to the leader rtelemundo or something where he asked me about 2 questions and signed me up. 50k caps, super stims, hq ore and minerals as well as a hummer with a key. Now I'm no saint, but surely even Jesus Christ would know whats gonna happen next.....
So I may be a sad little nooooob, but what does that make the morons that got robbed by me?
Now if you will excuse me, I've got many noobie things to do in my newbie bunker base.
Here's a little diddy to play it out to......