Like the
Followers Of The Voice from Gamma World.
You have to bring materials and equipment as "sacrifices" to maintain membership and rank.
Rank gives access to blueprints, crafting bots (which can also convert materials to alloys, Gunpowder, etc.), robot followers.
Rank deteriorates without frequent sacrifices.
Everyone hates Sierra. Joining is -3000 Rep with ALL factions, and never goes lower than -300.
That's what you get for being a SkyNet Collaborator.
Also, part of Rank is killing rival faction members.
To achive the highest ranks, you must kill VC patrol members, Enclave, and Brotherhood.
Also, must regularly raid Caravans.
Best ranks/special bonuses require being tagged to a Raid group that kills the NPC Leader of an NPC Faction- Linnette, Tandi, Shi Emperor's Spokesman, Enclave Base Commander, General Maxson.
Also, the Joining Quest is a version of the Glow Quest from the Brotherhood in Fallout 1.
You have to deliver a holotape to the Glow AI.
The Sierra Faction does not have Town Control- it has a Decimation Mode that involves killing all inhabitants of a town.
This changes respawn on the NPCs of the town to random 5-15 minutes. Keeping them ALL DEAD for an entire 1 Hour period (you have a timer to kill them when they respawn) causes Blood Trophies to appear in the TC box. These are RadAway items (re-use the graphic) with palette switched to RED.
These trophies are "Sacrificed" to SkyNet for Rank points, special items, etc. (Faction Store?)
Much more evil and difficult than being a Raider.
Items can be stored at Sierra by turning them over to the Robot Quartermaster.
Need to donate 1 EP per transaction (timed as per barter window, use the EP to "pay" for your own items- indexed using accouunt number with code recycled from the banking system). Max storage is equal to 2 lockers.
So, what do you think?