Uranium Delivery:
Gecko and VC are nuclear powered, the BOS and the "Shi Emperor" complex probably are to, They must all need reactor fuel. The Enclave must need Uranium to produce MFCs for it's troops. Ghouls enjoy a warm glow from being around radiation. All that Uranium must come from Broken Hills. So how about a delivery quest (jerky-style) for uranium
Source: BH refinery ghoul.
Requirements: Level 5+ (important cargo, not for beginners), science 60+ (to safely handle hazardous materials), CH 5+ (seem trustworthy).
Receive: 1 load of uranium (use box pic)
Deliver to:
Harold (gecko), "Amenities officer" (VC), "Emperor's attendant" (SF), "Quartermaster" (BOS), "Supply sergeant" (navarro), "Ghoul Merchant" (necropolis).
20 MFC, 50 SEC, 400xp(gecko), 2 stimpack 300xp(VC), superstimpack 800xp (SF), 100 7.62mm ammo 400xp (BOS), 30MFC, 800xp(navarro), 500 caps, 600xp (necropolis), +50 or so reputation (where delivered)
Repeatable: once per game week?
I downloaded the dialog editor and am competently lost so if anyone feels like coding this properly and submitting it themselves please feel free!