Pretty awful IMO, to the first one, this isn't some gay fantasy realm with orcs elves etc, Why exactly would you gain hp for beating on someone?To the second one, Oh look I did 100dmg crit but then that hit and now my enemy is dead 25% of those crit times...yea no.I'm all for having unarmed builds be viable which hopefully is what will happen when the perks that were talked about being remade/created will do (for example an unarmed build with high as fuck dodging potential)
That still does not answer the question if WHY would you ever gain hp for doing dmg to someone? Do you hit them, take a part of them, roast it up and then eat it? I think not. 100 dmg crits are really not that hard to do. The only difficulties lie in reaching the enemy and stopping them from exiting the map. I believe the reaching them before dying shall be semi fixed with upcoming dodging perks and stopping the enemy from exiting may be able to be fixed with 3d with a speed boost for high unarmed skill.
Vampiric relatives could be changed to be an ok perk.Say the extra health is only a temporary boost.Each hp hit gives that much hp in your own but after 5 seconds it is slowly taken away.example: Vampire guy with a knife is hit for 50 HP by bluesuit guy with smg.bluesuit guy with smg is hit for 30 HP by vampire guy.Vampire guy +30 HP."5 seconds later"vampire guy loses 5 HP."3 seconds later"vampire guy loses 5 hp."3 seconds later"vampire guy loses 5 hp."3 seconds later"vampire guy loses 5 hp.Etc etc..... I suppose it could also add HP beyond max HP, and HP recieved normally will be first HP to be taken away, where as HP taken from victim only comes into play after all normal HP is exinguished. By then unless the "vampire" or "cannibal" gets more blood from the victim in such a way (only preventing the inevitable) or gains more normal HP (stimpaks, first aid, etc) he is dead but walking. This also can have same mechanic as poison or super stimpak health deduction. If you go below 000 HP you die immediately. So no FAs if they go down and start tanking once more.Also, to rationalize this effect. Imagine they cannibal or how the perk is called "vampire" is driven by the smell touch etc of blood to keep on fighting for more. It causes an extreme body overdrive and adrenaline rush causing pain to be nonexistant and allowing for them to fight for much longer periods of time. Much like the results of Morphine only it doesn't calm them down it speeds them up.I also would think a spear would count for this perk, but no sledgehammer, since sledge is a blunt weapon causing little bleeding unless a bone is broken through the skin. It would cause more internal bleeding than external.
You have become much more skillful as a thief.
Hello everyone, I was thinking of a few perks for unarmed... Here they are.Canabalism (Both melee and unarmed)After Punching/Cutting open wounds you start to get used to blood, you even start to like it. Whenever you damage someone using melee weapons or unarmed you gain 50% of the damage you caused to your hp. (This Discludes spears and sledge hammers since they have a 2 hex range)Or Fighting people makes you happy, every punch you do you feel strong. After a While you learn to ignore pain as much when focusing on punching something. You gain 2% DR per punch for a short period of time after your last punch. Caps at something like 10%Fists Of The Northen Tribes (unarmed)Those stoopid tribals, Fear my gun! Is what you used to think until a drunken bar fight with a tribal. You Picked up a few tricks tho... Now there is a 25% - 50% chance when you punch you will do Double damage or two punches.Edit Changed the name of a perk due to it not being 'Wastelandish'Will add more soon. What do you think?
Im all for new punches, but lifesteal aint a valiable option