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Author Topic: alot of pkers apear in redding here is a list of e vew of them  (Read 7828 times)


  • Killian
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Re: alot of pkers apear in redding here is a list of e vew of them
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2011, 02:27:21 am »

Not on this pic, but killing low leveled people isn't something impressive either.
Re: alot of pkers apear in redding here is a list of e vew of them
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2011, 09:39:08 am »

I don't see him camping the inside of the mine in that pic.

I have seen him camp the inside mine spawn a few times.
Most of the time they to do it in a group.
Re: alot of pkers apear in redding here is a list of e vew of them
« Reply #32 on: September 06, 2011, 08:30:38 pm »

So you fired, missed reloaded and fired again whilst that guy did nothing? Or you missed a guy who was already on the floor from two feet away.
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence  ;D
Re: alot of pkers apear in redding here is a list of e vew of them
« Reply #33 on: September 07, 2011, 12:05:39 am »

Get in quick and get out simple , if you get killed make pain on enemy asses , if you don't have anyone to call find a faction , if you don't want to find a faction , get mercs if you can't afford them try slaves if slaves don't work you can whine or quit the game :) the fonline world is simple...
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 12:08:13 am by T-888 »


  • The Armegeddon Arms Co. is temporarily on hiatus
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Re: alot of pkers apear in redding here is a list of e vew of them
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2011, 01:42:30 am »

Go easy on Tel, I am off most of the time doing school or school work and fighting a group of spawn campers solo is not easy for anyone. I think the only time I have ever enjoyed PKers in the mine was with the GOODs. Their GOOD MORNING, GOOD DAY, GOOD NIGHT routine was a nice break from "I wonder if the mine is clear... *1 hex bursted by spawn camper* nope..."
When you hear people talking about the great leader of the Armeggedon Arms Co., there talking about me. On the flip side when you hear them laughing about the Plague who stood next to guard and died or something else like that, that would be my brother Ben.
Re: alot of pkers apear in redding here is a list of e vew of them
« Reply #35 on: September 07, 2011, 12:53:15 pm »

That's funny cause the few times I have seen the GOODs in Redding mine they were spawncamping inside the mine with some friends.


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Re: alot of pkers apear in redding here is a list of e vew of them
« Reply #36 on: September 07, 2011, 11:08:35 pm »

That's funny cause the few times I have seen the GOODs in Redding mine they were spawncamping inside the mine with some friends.
Yeah but then we snuck up on them from the other entrance and wasted them and they decided to hide throughout the mine :D
When you hear people talking about the great leader of the Armeggedon Arms Co., there talking about me. On the flip side when you hear them laughing about the Plague who stood next to guard and died or something else like that, that would be my brother Ben.
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