Hello!Why offline the server?
Because this is the Day. Every month there is one day when admins can see their girlfriends so the server is off (you know what I mean).
This is like 4th rollback this week. For what reason? The only thing that it does, is wasting everyone's time.If they're doing only some database or script changes, then there's no reason for restoring the database from older backups, they could simply make backup before making those changes. Btw, why it's not even announced?
mayyybe it's just crashing ?
You mean 4 hard-drive crashes in one week? Hardly.
Yes This is FONLINE btw it loooks like you are new.you didtn experienced "moonwalk era" and roolback era, when it was crashing each half an hour with hour roollback, or sometimes half day rollbacks, and.... ahh good old times