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Questions and Answers #5

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--- Quote from: Jonnyblazex1 on January 11, 2012, 02:57:09 am ---How can I restore an items maximum condition to 100%?

--- End quote ---
you cannot, if their max is not 100%.

If it has 52/100 for example, just repair, and use other items of it to repair it with to 100%.

Other wise u cannot make 100%.

Anyone found advanced workbenches for good metal parts?

How to get chemical components?

I can remember there were very very old post before wipe that said that One Handed trait gives also +5 final damage when using 1H. And I don't know what it does now, it works like supposed to work long time ago or not.
Here're some strange situations:
1st: I can remember saving ammo and shooting <0 HP raiders with BB gun and always dealt 6 or 7 damage to him instead of 1. But BB gun is two handed...
2nd: I can remember shooting floater in desperate with a mauser and dealt 4 damage to him. 4? 4 is even less than 5.

Here are questions:
1) Is it real final damage or it's just bonus like BRD? (but it doesn't affect burst, I'm sure, because I would notice such boost, however.. I never bursted with 2H, may be it affects 2H only ^_^)
2) If it's not final damage, can it be multiplied by ammo adj or crit?
3) Are there any +5 boost at all? Or BB gun magically dealt higher than needed damage to <0 HP person?

Anyway something is not right here, 2h BB guns deals more damage than needed, and I managed to deal 4 damage to floater with 1h weapon, when One Handed trait supposed to add 5 final damage.

* I had no BRD perks when shot raider with BB gun.

Can anyone tell me, to whom I need to speak in Lost Hills, after I've completed BoS abandoned bunker quest?


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