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Questions and Answers #5

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--- Quote from: JovankaB on April 28, 2013, 07:52:15 pm ---Unless you like to watch people getting bursted or bombed, stay away from NCR.
You will be better off in Hub/Junktown, VC or even unguarded towns than there.

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That's true, nowadays - when TC's are rare, you can stay near town like Redding or Klamath, there you won't get easily pk'd and NPCs around area easier to beat/escape.

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Archvala on April 28, 2013, 07:35:54 pm ---I just started with fonline and i am pissed off. why the fuck are people killing somebody on first lvl? i am instantly killed, instantly without items (lol, i have flints, flowers, etc.) and somebody is still killing me. its fun in this game be in cities for beginers and killing them? maybe thats reason why there is so low player base...fuck off pk idiots

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NCR,you won't find a greater hive of scum and villainy.

Pop culture references aside the community is filled with dickheads,this is no secret,that drive many players away and then whine how there aren't any players left.Just ignore them,and they'll ignore you (hopefully).
Think of it as training:the first few weeks are trial by fire after that the wasteland will reshape you and spit out you newly created form.You can be a casual player that does casual things with other casual people,or you can be a hardcore no lifer who will be crowned king of wasteland and be made popular by giving away stuff in NCR.

But if you prefer more action you can be a PvPer or PvEer,since there are infinite numbers of enemies and munition your thirst for blood will surely be satisfied.And if you wish to ad insult to wound you can even make fun of the losing team via forum (note only works with PvP).
"As long as there are fonline games there will be shit to kill and PvP with" once said a PvP gang member while being drunk,but it is true.Now PvP isn't all shooty fun sometimes strategy comes in order.You have to make and level up specially calculated builds,often ones that were designed by someone else.And let's not forget that you have to gear up before even trying to kill something.Now while shoveling shit can get you a mauser or a shotgun at best at some point you'll need some heavy hitters. Miniguns,BFGs,guns that shoot green goo that makes your eyes melt,etc.
Now the easiest way to get these is to loot the off dead critters in encounters (this is where PvP and PvE come close).

Or if you are one of those guys who prefers to work hard for his success and indeed fun you can be a crafter/trader and since there are always shortages of certain items that are easily available from crafting but since it's a hard job no one wants to do it.You could work about 30 minutes (not counting looking for blueprint or getting the professions) and get a set of for example P90s which are very sough after. Few days doing this and you can afford your own base filled with random crap and maybe one car!

You can be an idler,not much to say about that.You just stand around places and rarely leave.
Yeah that's about it.

Now this one is a pure matter of taste nothing else:
Roleplayer,since you are in a wasteland (in the Fallout world no less) you might expect to live out some insanely elaborate adventure filled with dishonesty,misery and death(also cheap beer).And you will,the adventure will be epic but the way it unfolds is up to you,just you and no one else. Then you can discuss the dangers that you avoided, or bloodily murdered at a local bar or while you are traveling with another group.Now RP goes into 2 groups the simple and the hardcore.
The simple:you often act in character,that's it(a backstory is optional)
The hardcore:you are constantly in character,you have an elaborate backstory(still kinda optional),your character name,sometimes even his build is purely for rp.

the underground:
I've tried twice now to get the bunker quest. What am I doing wrong?

Raven Crow:
Something very strange happened to me.
I was fighting some vault city patrol, then I stopped for a little while.
When I signed in 10 minutes later, I was in my tent of the Hub...

I left the car in my vault city tent and going by foot now. I hope the car is still there because its very weird

Mike Crosser:

--- Quote from: Raven Crow on April 29, 2013, 07:06:05 pm ---Something very strange happened to me.
I was fighting some vault city patrol, then I stopped for a little while.
When I signed in 10 minutes later, I was in my tent of the Hub...

I left the car in my vault city tent and going by foot now. I hope the car is still there because its very weird

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Basically time travel on server.


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