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Author Topic: Gathering? Waiting?  (Read 36106 times)


  • Tim Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2011, 09:35:41 am »

Currently when you enter a random encounter other players have 10 minutes (I guess) to encounter you and enter your location to kill you.
So if in the new era we need to scavenge a lot if would be good to do the contrary : when you enter a location you have 2 minutes to scavenge and find items and during this time no other player can enter the location.


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2011, 10:53:03 am »

Untrue, it was caused by funny bug in code, maybe some day I will write about it:)

I would be happy to see it one day !


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2011, 11:50:36 am »

Try a poll, should cooldowns be removed? yes, no.. ect

i dislike cooldowns alot.
Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2011, 01:02:20 pm »

You do got the point here:)
I liked that too, but that still remains an invitation for relogging. Don't know if the exact scale of the problem though. Maybe every player should hereby admit, if he's avoiding it this way, no punisment, I promise! :)

I dont fastre(dual)log because of crafting. Only because of transportation. But when you commit to exploiting this feature fully.... My friend once made many mining alts and via proxies was able to mine more HQ ores in hour than brahmin was able to carry (that means hundreds). But I dont use this way i preffer just visit mine once when i log and unlog or buy it from traders.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2011, 01:30:48 pm »

My friend once made many mining alts and via proxies was able to mine more HQ ores in hour than brahmin was able to carry (that means hundreds). But I dont use this way i preffer just visit mine once when i log and unlog or buy it from traders.

But to be precise, I was wondering if people relog because of crafting timeout (to make yet another portion of items), not for gathering.


  • Tim Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2011, 02:01:17 pm »

Maybe we could try a session with no crafting at all :D
Only scavenging !


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2011, 02:04:46 pm »

Only scavenging !

Let's make Diablo-style drops. You know - 0,0001 chance to get CA when killing Radscorpion and that stuff ;)


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2011, 02:17:36 pm »

That would be fun, the stronger creature, the better chance of dropping something valuable
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2011, 02:24:22 pm »

You do got the point here:)
I liked that too, but that still remains an invitation for relogging.
Eventhough its possible to bypass them in this way, one got to ask if its such an evil. Lets say you have created an item that has 6 minutes non cumulative CD and you want to create two more. What are you gonna do? You dont have time to go out for hunting and if you are not crafting in a base you have to either risk staying next to the workbench or wait on the WM and risk multiple trips. For me thats quite frustrating. If we face the fact that people use specialized crafter builds, that are not quite good at anything else, we also have to face the fact that most of the people wouldnt want to stay in them waiting 5 minutes next to the workbench, click, waiting another 5 minutes and so on. Bypassing seems like lesser evil.
What if they are not fixed but findable by mean of encountering. This location still would not be visible for others, but would be findable..
But who will find such area? Probably some loner that dont even want to like in current system with encounters. In fixed areas, you can go through them and see if there is anyone there. If not, you can either scavange or move on. With encounter based ones, you can spend times looking for someone but have no guarantee that the area you are looking for even exists. The point with risk of encountering someone is valid, but is it realy such a big one? Yes, sometimes it will be less risky to scavange, but thats the same as nowadays with HQ mines and unguarded traders. No big deal.

Or say that some players again organized really humongous alliance, and they control half of it. Sounds a bit like Domination:)

I wouldnt fear that. If there will be huge alliance that controls half of the locations, say 10, it means that its just 1/10 of its strenght per place. If the alliance has 50 people, thats 5 ones per place. And thats just an invitation for another group with 8-10 people to get some free stuff and fine pvp.


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2011, 02:42:34 pm »

But who will find such area? Probably some loner that dont even want to like in current system with encounters.

For those, there would be always a question/notification.

With encounter based ones, you can spend times looking for someone but have no guarantee that the area you are looking for even exists.
It doesn't have to exist in that place, it might be generated after roll.

The point with risk of encountering someone is valid, but is it realy such a big one?
I'd like to see it a bit bigger for those scavenge encounters.

I wouldnt fear that. If there will be huge alliance that controls half of the locations, say 10, it means that its just 1/10 of its strenght per place. If the alliance has 50 people, thats 5 ones per place. And thats just an invitation for another group with 8-10 people to get some free stuff and fine pvp.
I suppose fixed locations could go on-pair with encounter ones, i do not see them as conflicting.


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2011, 03:25:25 pm »

Let's make Diablo-style drops. You know - 0,0001 chance to get CA when killing Radscorpion and that stuff ;)
Actually it doesn't sound like a bad idea. That's how it is in most MMOs. It would actually revive PvE from the dead. At this moment, there is no point in killing some creatures at all. Deathclaws give way too little exp for how strong they are. Instead maybe of dropping armors and weapons they could drop HQ/LQ minerals, ores etc. I know it's not realistic but who cares? If it's fun, it doesn't matter.
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2011, 03:29:14 pm »

Actually it doesn't sound like a bad idea. That's how it is in most MMOs. It would actually revive PvE from the dead. At this moment, there is no point in killing some creatures at all. Deathclaws give way too little exp for how strong they are. Instead maybe of dropping armors and weapons they could drop HQ/LQ minerals, ores etc. I know it's not realistic but who cares? If it's fun, it doesn't matter.

Well, I guess they do not have to drop those items literally, but rather acts like someone who is there just to piss you off and makes your obtaining-that-super-gun task harder.
Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2011, 04:14:06 pm »

[...]Deathclaws give way too little exp for how strong they are. Instead maybe of dropping armors and weapons they could drop HQ/LQ minerals, ores etc.

Well, I guess they do not have to drop those items literally, but rather acts like someone who is there just to piss you off and makes your obtaining-that-super-gun task harder.

Like... regularly infest the HQ mines and other resource gathering places with Deathclaws and Wanamingos = kill tough baddies, get resources?

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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2011, 05:03:34 pm »

Like... regularly infest the HQ mines and other resource gathering places with Deathclaws and Wanamingos = kill tough baddies, get resources?

that would be a great way to stop people from using low level alts for mining purposes.


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #29 on: August 17, 2011, 05:08:29 pm »

If we dont want to face massive stuff (weapons, ammo, armors, drugs,..) inflation, system has to have somewhere its own bottleneck (hope i used correct phraze).

 Cooldown is kind of one bottleneck, simple to integrate but i dont like it.

 Why not try different aproach.

 Level 0 resources (on any form: minerals, prefabricates, even quite damaged weapons from encounters) would be used to ger Lvl 1 resources.

 Lvl 1 res (better equipment, similar to tier 1 weapons and armors) would be used to ger lvl 2 res.
 Lvl 2 res .... to get lvl 3 res..

 How? Imagine situation, that you have encounter (or even some solid location on world map..) where lvl 1 res. would exist. To get those res., you would need to spend, INVEST only lvl. 0 stuff (form lvl. 0 res).

 Example: location.. abadoned mine full of wanamingo (or something else, ..). You would have to use lvl 0 weapons (shotguns with knockback perks, knockback melee weapons), because wanamingo are very though and you would need to spend 1000 lvl 3 ammo from avenger to kill them. But with good knockback weapons, you would only pass thru them, with good organization and luck of course. After you will bypass them, you would be able to get (mine, find, craft) lvl. 1 resources (weapons), that you would need to get lvl 2 res...

 Of course, that those lvl 0, 1, 2 ... stuff would not have only this one purpose. It would be availbe to PvE, PvP, trade ... but you would have to get lower level stuff to obtain higher level.

 Other idea: team (not only faction based) scavenging (it is multi players, you can find frined in NCR,...)

 Hunting idea: every critter you attack is attacking you too.. I can imagine some rare critters, that if you kill them, they would have valuable resource (skin to armor, ...). But their attributes would be set that they would run away from you, if they see you. So you would have to locate them (by shit on ground), get to them from the side they dont look, then cripple them (or encircle them) and finaly, kill them and loot some resource from them.. It would need cooperation with players and it would provide very different gameplay than stay and push the fire button.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 05:12:15 pm by Lordus »
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
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