Some of you may have heard from me personally or secondhand about the Small Guns manufacturing team my friends and I lead. We have recently found a calm place to practice our craft and therefore I feel, hopefully not prematurely, that it is time to introduce to the public our operation. Thus follows a description of our team and its policies.
Members: Josh Plague, Ben Plague, Dr KevorkianGoals: Our only goal is the enjoyment of the FOnline 2238 world funded by the production and distribution of arms and ammo. We have no plans to become a large faction nor to partake in TC, this is not to say that we will not supply either of these.
Selling Policy: We sell only crafted weapons to avoid complaints about deterioration and to allow for ease of pricing via use of the wiki's suggested prices. All weapons are by default upgraded to their maximum potential and supplied with a full clip.
Random PKing/Griefing Policy: I know for a fact that the first 4 names on that list do not partake in these activities and would be inclined to believe that the rest do not either. Also, if you are a PKer or Griefer and harass any members or friends of members you will be blacklisted. It is not in our power to regulate the purchase of our weapons for resale to such people but if you do we would expect you to include a steep markup

Blacklisted People: J R Isidore, Azura, Natasha, enemies of the Sarmations, anyone with Russian name or affiliation
Ordering and Purchase Procedure: 1. Place an order with us order through in game conversation with any of the listed members, most likely to be found in Redding. We will tell if we have it in stock or if we must craft it, how much it will cost, where the exchange is to take place.
2. When collecting a ready order please arrive at the shop with the caps. We will never intentionally place you in harm's way or rob you which is why we require the transaction to occur in Redding. Please be sure to make sure that the person at meeting point is a member of the Armeggedon Arms Co before proceeding any further. We are NOT responsible for the actions of others posing as us. Next engage in open trade with the representative to pay for the order and receive your goods. If you are in any way unsatisfied with the product simply state the reason and return the product to the representative who will return your funds.
3. Once you are satisfied feel free to thank us in person or forums and let your colleagues know about us.
Events: We may hold events from time to time using used/found/outdated weapons. These events will most likely resemble Deathmatchs/Team Deathmatchs, Tournaments, or any other form of firearm-based sport with the game, rules, location being announced in-game and on this thread. Attendance is optional and it will be required that you come blue suit with nothing equipped as any arms and armor to be used in the event will be provided. The space will be limited to the supply and hosts will be using the blacklist as well as their own experiences to eliminate people until the contestant quota is met. The disqualified, excepting the blacklisted who will probably be shot, can still enjoy the show, if they wish, as spectators but may not participate or interfere. Failure to abide by the spectator standards, be it leaving a defined area or breaking a spectator standard, will result in a forceful expulsion from the game arena via death. Similarly contestants who are caught breaking the rules will be disqualified and if possible killed. The rewards for participation in such games are not only the exciting experience, but also the equipment you have from the game plus any rewards promised. Spectators may loot the corpses after the game is announced to be over.
Other: I know that this has been a lot to read but if anything is missing or wrong please let me know and I will rectify it. Also feel free to give feedback below, I will address it when I see it. We may include other guns/crafts in our list if members get the professions for them.