Total Members Voted: 39
Probably living their lives instead of crying for a server wipe in some MMO.
Or living their lives instead of trying to be smartass in some MMO forum :>
Summer 2011 will be in december for me. Right now I am on winter holidays but I'm studying for some university exams...
It would be cool if one of devs would say: wipe... But hey, developers, what have u done at summer 2011?
left home from indiana to tennessee in february . hopped freight trains in early spring from tennessee to florida. got a ride from a friend to new orleans. hopped a freight train from there to alabama. hitch hiked back to tennessee. friend took me over to other friends cabin in the mountains of north carolina. summer time came along. hitched to virginia too visit a band i played a show with previously. hitched an hour or so west to visit a childhood friend who had moved away. hitched homeward to say hello. picked up a friend and took him along to hop a freight train to chicago. got a bus ride from chicago to go see aricvomit, a faction member whom i had never met before but had been playing a for a couple of eras with. went back to chicago then now back in tennessee. waiting to go to california for the fall to work now.