Other > Events

NCR Defence event #1

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Quentin Lang:
Damn, we gotta support the devs and hope they 'hit' the attacking NPC count/skill perfectly - meaning, they dont spawn them too much so its just meatwar or vice-versa. I guess that'l be hard. Also, i hope it wont be a pure enclave SPAWN AND RUSH DEM PLAYERS event like it happened in second warzone. Instead, i hope GMs will make them use some tactics like going around n stuff..

Quentin Lang:
By the way, just a lil suggestion - it would be more interesting if when the players are on second/third line of defence, would it be possible to make the enclaves like ''blow trough'' a wall, and make a little secret entry point, from where they would keep pouring in until some players secure it?

would make it a whole of a lot more interesting than the regular stuff...
Save a p90c for me please

Manly mode. Brass knuckles only.

no, the manly mode is bluesuit, no equip and a warcry.


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