Other > Events
NCR Defence event #1
What about melee?
Im a tagged combat medic with tagged melee, and im sure i will die alot because of that.. However im not blind and a fairly good tactician, so i wont run in blindly into a suppressing fire barrage, i just ask to be carefull with teh ninjaz and pick a different target to burst if its possible ;D
BTW this movie would be the best ad for the game if it turns out to be a successfull event
There will be melee weapons available, like rippers and cattle prod.
Thanks for support everyone =)
Dark Angel:
Vindicator for me please =] . I like it =]
are there gonna be mega power fists for me?
Can i stand in the 1st line of defense? ;D
This event looks funny. I need LSW please ;D
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