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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!  (Read 3031 times)


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Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:34:06 am »

I first played fonline 2238 about a year ago and never left the noob stage because I was getting killed when I had good stuff(but at least not stolen from constantly). I quit from frustration and recently rejoined with brother and some friends to give it another try. This time it was much easier to survive wasteland horrors and discourage PKers. I realize that it is hard to find good people for sure on the internet when (almost) everyone looks the same but if you do find a few and stick together the wasteland isn't that harsh.
When you hear people talking about the great leader of the Armeggedon Arms Co., there talking about me. On the flip side when you hear them laughing about the Plague who stood next to guard and died or something else like that, that would be my brother Ben.
Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2011, 05:21:19 am »

4noobs who have low CHA in real life:
1) hunt 10 cows
2) make tent
... (do anythin u want and save all shit inside tent)
Chaos, panic and disorder. My work here is done.


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Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2011, 07:25:26 pm »

Yes friends are must. They can escort your new chars to your base, relog to lockpicker if your car breaks in the middle of wasteland, help out with shared tents and whatever. Many activities are dramatically more effective when doing it with friends.
In pvp having friends is extremely important. If you go alone, one lucky crit and it's all over. But a friend can take out that lucky bluesuit crippler and save your ass.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2011, 09:35:44 pm »

This game is about two things:

- ALTING: which kills the MMORPG part imho.

- FRIENDS/MATES: which is the best expression of a MMORPG, and here in FOnline this is the first thing, even more important than your tent.

FOnline is harsh even to understand. That's philosophy.


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Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2011, 11:59:29 pm »

best defence is noobs is a bigger noob. throw him in the way instead of yourself and you will never die mwhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha.. ;D
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 12:03:35 am »

Indeed, what newbies are searching for right at the start of the game is... other newbies. Why? Because other newbies do the same.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 01:05:28 am »

aaaaaa f* i play like three days and i haven't meet any cow!!!! >:( except in towns darn this game is hard and not quite fun as I thought :'( i have great hopes for this game and now its f* up this is really hardcore wasteland :(
PS: my starting point was near to boneyard in cave my luck in game is 4 (profession doctor-not yet graduate)   >:(   

jonny rust

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Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2011, 01:13:57 am »

aaaaaa f* i play like three days and i haven't meet any cow!!!! >:( except in towns darn this game is hard and not quite fun as I thought :'( i have great hopes for this game and now its f* up this is really hardcore wasteland :(
PS: my starting point was near to boneyard in cave my luck in game is 4 (profession doctor-not yet graduate)   >:(   

hunt for brahmin south of the Hub if you are still in that area (between 1 and 2 zones).

Talk to other players, some may try to screw you, others may actually offer to help you hunt for hides

If you are a doctor you probably have 40% first aid and you can collect either broc flower or xander root (no you don't need both for this) and make weak healing powder with your fixboy (hit the F key).

If the general store or gun store in the hub have caps you can get about 1K for 20 of these (which will buy you 10 hides if the stores have them, or you can shout that you wtb hides), also you get XP for making them so its much better than shoveling shit or moving crates.

Start a bank account.

Find a good hiding spot in town if you don't have a tent yet

Once you hit level 3 take awareness, you will be able to see other peoples HP and offer them first aid which will give you a lot of XP, especially once your cool-down lowers.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 01:27:37 am by jonny rust »
Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2011, 04:35:49 am »

Don't use bank, money goes in, and doesn't come out.  Brahmin can be found in a few places, around NCR, around Hub.  Friends are great to have help with, but unless you're a capped pk build you and up to 3 of your friends will die, A LOT when encountering pk'rs.  Right now the game is mostly about working to get nice stuff just to hide that stuff in your tent.  Be extremely careful wherever you go, that will help you more any weapon.  And truly the saddest thing is, if you don't know the person you just encountered wherever you are in game, don't trust them. 
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
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Car Wrecks:  3
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Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2011, 08:45:00 am »

Start a bank account.

Find a good hiding spot in town if you don't have a tent yet

I see what you did there.

jonny rust

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Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2011, 06:58:05 pm »

I see what you did there.

I love a good hiding spot, I love finding new ones and finding other peoples though I never steal there stuff, I just judge their hiding skills ;)

Don't use bank, money goes in, and doesn't come out.  Brahmin can be found in a few places, around NCR, around Hub.  Friends are great to have help with, but unless you're a capped pk build you and up to 3 of your friends will die, A LOT when encountering pk'rs.  Right now the game is mostly about working to get nice stuff just to hide that stuff in your tent.  Be extremely careful wherever you go, that will help you more any weapon.  And truly the saddest thing is, if you don't know the person you just encountered wherever you are in game, don't trust them. 

If you don't have a tent then you really should start a bank account, bank-runs don't usually last that long and you will be able to get you caps eventually if you hit one.

If you are in a group (or not) play in real-time. It pays to get used to this style of combat as you will eventually find yourself in an RT fight no mater what, also you are less likely to encounter PK's as most of them prefer TB in my experience.

and yes, BE PARANOID!
Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2011, 07:42:54 pm »

I have to say that TB combat is safer especially if you gather a nice sum of outdoorsman skill you won't get in traps easily except if you want to enter on your own. Average chars who were made by those who played Fallout before have bonus move and action boy too which means they are better in TB.

jonny rust

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Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2011, 08:16:42 pm »

I have to say that TB combat is safer especially if you gather a nice sum of outdoorsman skill you won't get in traps easily except if you want to enter on your own. Average chars who were made by those who played Fallout before have bonus move and action boy too which means they are better in TB.

TB fights last A LOT longer which increases your chances to be encountered by another player who may very well kill you which, imo puts your risk at least on par with an RT fight..

RT players can use outdoorsman just the same.

As I have said, its only a matter of time before you catch yourself in an RT situation, so its best you learn how to use your character that way anyway.
Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2011, 08:45:12 pm »

RT fight can happen in location only if the player has TB mode on and if the location is camped by a group then a lone guy wouldn't win no matter how skilled he/she is it will end in death on load.
About someone entering in the encounter its harder to run away in RT if you are hit already and someone enters you can't leave without combat timeout and you probably won't be able.
Also RT combat at lvl 1 needs fast actions or you die try to kill armed critters.

jonny rust

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Re: Best Defense for Noobs is... Other Noobs!
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2011, 09:04:37 pm »

RT fight can happen in location only if the player has TB mode on and if the location is camped by a group then a lone guy wouldn't win no matter how skilled he/she is it will end in death on load.
About someone entering in the encounter its harder to run away in RT if you are hit already and someone enters you can't leave without combat timeout and you probably won't be able.
Also RT combat at lvl 1 needs fast actions or you die try to kill armed critters.

If you are in TB you are not likely to encounter an RT camp, however in my experience PK's usually play in TB which makes you more likely to encounter them. I say this because I play in RT and rarely (perhaps never?) encounter PK's since I switched from TB.

When I said that everyone will eventually hit an RT fight I was talking about fights in areas like unprotected towns, mines, waterworks etc. where TB combat is never possible.

When I first realized that things like sequence and bonus move had no use in RT combat I stopped making TB characters as they have no edge in these places and we all need to visit them eventually.
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