I simply dislike the brainwashed, mentaly and quite frequently physicaly retarded, as Floodnik depicted with his facepalm and Facebook comments, people that are just stupid pigs with pathetic grammar and even more pathetic knowledge of history "those damn krauts deserve to be hit by a tsunami for nuking pearl harbor". I mean come on, Serbian and English (American is not an actual language, it's just English with a different accent and very few different words) are two VERY different languages, and yet i know English grammar a LOT better than most of "them". And think about it, actual American history doesn't even date to half a century ago, and even it is nothing more than a history of bloodshed and capitalism! And to be honest, i have nothing against the people that have at least a grain of gray matter in their head, that have managed to make their own political and religious points of view, and acctualy denied all of the main stream media propaganda. The people i blame for my hate are politicians (you know which exactly), that mindlessly try to thwart any kind of resistance against their regime, on a global scale. Anyone who stands up is considered a terrorist, a threat.