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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players  (Read 8080 times)


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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2011, 08:05:34 pm »

If so, why's this not written as a guide on the wiki?
If we are speaking about "having fun from game", imagination is the limit, young padawan.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2011, 08:46:07 pm »

I feel real disappointed from some replies after reading this topic saying q uests aren't important in an rpg....
Ok lot of player have made tons of char so far and already know all quest but saying for a new player not to care about quest is almost like saying don't brother with fallout 1-2 go play fallout 3 the fps. Ok maybe I'm raging a bit but I really feel like that.
The quest that in the game are quite good and seeing completed quest in the pipboy is a satisfying thing I feel happy when I see that I made quests and not just idled around.
The game isn't harsh its quite easy harshness is only there for those who want rp experience.
Getting armor guns is easy killing some PvP maniac is easy too gathering 200k caps is easy too but making a quest can take days and tons of luck...
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2011, 09:08:56 pm »

If we are speaking about "having fun from game", imagination is the limit, young padawan (and fight club picture)

Good example. Stuff like that is awesome when it happens - though it's a little rare. I was a bit disappointed when the Hub arena stopped being accessible due to some bugs or problems (unless it's working again now, in which case I need to get down there and punch some face).


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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2011, 10:22:40 pm »

Quote from: Wichura
Where did this Kucharek-whatever dude get Power Armor anyway?
Wait, imma chargin' ma gauss.

OK, let's get back to topic. There's many ways to enjoy the game as well. The hardest period is the begining. Everyone who starting the game will be killed many times till her or his character will "grow up" and be able at least to self-defence. Almost everyone started in such way, so there's no point to rage, buddy. This world is very hostile where people can kill for few caps. However, there's still people who willingly help the rookies as much as they can. Just ask 'round.
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #34 on: July 16, 2011, 07:06:14 am »

For first I wanted to admit that I do not like topics like "ohnoes they killed me took my stuff then pissed on me".
It is NORMAL in this game - if you didnt understand WORLD/UNIVERSE of Fallout you just type the wrong game.
BTW If you didnt play any games of Fallout (F3 and NV dont count) do not read the rest of post.
And its right what he is saying about it - it should be harsh and it should be MORE harsh.
The strongest noob survives in wasteland.

The first two fallout games were ultimately on a difficulty scale. You didn't get face-raped by supermutants your first steps out of Arroyo/Vault13. The game followed a natural progression. Yeah, if you went to certain areas you could get killed, but you generally weren't sent in that direction (by the all-important story) until you were at least somewhat ready. Fallout 1 & 2 weren't about min-maxing your character and pwning noobs. I think part of the problem is that the factions who are currently at the "top" have nothing to do with all of the resources they've stockpiled. No enemy to fight, so they're bored and pick on the little guys. Which is fine and dandy until you realize that your playerbase is starting to shrink because of this. New players aren't joining because the old players are douches and the old players are leaving because they don't have anything to do.

Instead of going through the "if I had to go through it so do they." approach. Veteran players should try actually being considerate and thinking "Man, this sucked when it happened to me. Maybe I shouldn't be a douche and do it to someone else." But of course consideration without reward is a pipe-dream.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 07:21:12 am by Dekartz »


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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #35 on: July 16, 2011, 10:54:56 am »

But of course consideration without reward is a pipe-dream.
Lies. I've never asked for reward nor demanding something in exchange for my help.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2011, 11:07:29 am »

4 hours standing with your eyes in the monitor while nothing happends, that is hard. At least the newb quests, is walking, is creting new chars. The pk stayed 4 hours looking at nothing and hoping for a player. That is the hard part, I actually feel bad fot the pk, I know how hard it must be for him. THAT IS DEVOTION!!! Those are the players comited to FOnline, not the griefers, not the wihners. Good job mate, you have my respect! Guys like you are always welcome in Section 8.
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do!

« Kill the men, rape the women, eat the children! »  Section 8 official motto
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #37 on: July 16, 2011, 04:28:19 pm »

Lies. I've never asked for reward nor demanding something in exchange for my help.

Excuse me mass consideration without reward is a pipe dream


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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2011, 12:35:19 am »

Enjoy your stay :p

Stop always comparing Lemmy to God.
I mean...he's cool & stuff, but he's just not Lemmy.


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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #39 on: July 17, 2011, 12:40:05 am »

So, it took you 4 deaths to realize that the guy might still be there waiting?

Lol, I love this guy.
Kill the men, rape the women, eat the children.
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2011, 05:12:50 pm »

I hope you didn't actually deposit said caps in a bank, better to just keep them at the tent so you KNOW you'll be able to use it when you need to

Yeah I know, I've been being guided by an 'oldfag' player so I'm not making stupid choices anymore. And plus making those characters has helped me tweak out a good heavy energy weapons build.
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #41 on: July 17, 2011, 06:02:48 pm »


jonny rust

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Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2011, 07:33:19 pm »

you need to approach this game like a modified Nietzsche.

that is to say "everything that kills you, should make you stronger". A characters death is never wasted if it teaches you a lesson. If something doesn't work then you need to change your tactic.

But almost more importantly I disagree that the game gets good once you stop caring about your items. Think of your items more like chips and the wasteland as a craps table. You need to care about your chips to some degree if there is going to a thrill to your risks, the higher the stakes the better the thrill but at the same time never bet more than you can afford as you don't want to break the bank :)

imho the thrill is whats important, If you play for the thrill then you will enjoy both winning and losing (admittedly winning will still be better) but while playing without caring might mean you will never be frustrated, whats the point of playing something that you have absolutely no emotion towards? 
Re: How Over Powered Plays Treat New Players
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2011, 03:59:18 pm »

you need to approach this game like a modified Nietzsche.

that is to say "everything that kills you, should make you stronger". A characters death is never wasted if it teaches you a lesson. If something doesn't work then you need to change your tactic.

But almost more importantly I disagree that the game gets good once you stop caring about your items. Think of your items more like chips and the wasteland as a craps table. You need to care about your chips to some degree if there is going to a thrill to your risks, the higher the stakes the better the thrill but at the same time never bet more than you can afford as you don't want to break the bank :)

imho the thrill is whats important, If you play for the thrill then you will enjoy both winning and losing (admittedly winning will still be better) but while playing without caring might mean you will never be frustrated, whats the point of playing something that you have absolutely no emotion towards?

Amen to that train of thought!
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