"Everything that can be invented has been invented."
Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. patent office, 1899
"I don't see how this adds anything to the game."
Surf Solar, Overmind, Michigan, 2011
Well, it at least this brings fun. I disagree with many negative reactions.
1) It is weaker than supermutant, but on other side, you have to level up your char to create good tripod turret. (You need to create new char with char. 10 to create good mutant artilery leader = 1 minute) Also, you HAVE to control it actively.
2) Requirement of rare item, that could be found (caves, random encounters, ...) could enrich the player vs. player element in other way, than combat (trade, good relation with relict finders...)
3) This item is not more hi tech than plasma rifle, you could create from pieces of iron and other resources. (=very unfalloutish, but any dev does not protest).
4) Tactic element. There could be many ways how to destroy it, and of course, where to destroy it. It will enrich PvP chars about new kind of PvP class.
5) It could be used to PvE too, not only to PvP.
6) Sandbags, mines, tripods.. Noone told, that this could be ultimate weapons (stuff). Mines could have i.e. cripling ability instead of instakill, so it could disable from battle for short time instead of death. So no need to limit this items to base (dont forget, that nobody else than your mates or "tent thief" could visit your base..)
7) Combination of tripod and in PvP unused weapon (flamer, shotguns, assault rifles,..) could be the way how to use this useless stuff.

What about pulse grenade and pulse rifles, that could disable those turrets for short time (if you hit it criticaly..), another tactical PvP element.
P.S.: OMG, boys (surf), you play Fonline for years, you should join any gang war