I think what scypior described would greatly make it easier to organize players in a terminal. Each terminal should be connected to each base, too. Any improvement would be better than how it is now.
Also, instead of how the Member list is now, I think it should be changed so that there is a list of members in a row, organized either by Joining date or Alphabetical.
And then, you click on the member, and then you get the rank options.
This next part would probably require some sort of engine change, but it would be nice to be able to select multiple members at the same time to make it not as time consuming to go into each person's options separately.
Maybe we should allow giving a rank to non-members?
The more customizable it is, the better. If the members in charge want their Friend to have some rights too, then let them. They can always choose not to use it, but if it is available, there isn't a downside.