I think containers are good thing, if one could limit access to a specific container only for specific part of the team it would be great
Cars are also valuble: An idea could be also, to make a base have a car parking next to it (maybe world map, one base and very close to it a car parking) where there would also be possibility to allow only choosen people to use the cars
Tents: I think a command to add people to tents/remove. Would be very usefull aswell, then ofcourse if you want to remove someone you will have to kill him in tent i guess
(Or even better, kill him anywhere, so if you know someone has access, you can track them down and kill em, great for roleplay - player vs player scenarios).Lockers are limited: There is however problem with space limit for lockers then, which could be solved with Rooms? Most of the bases got houses with doors, so many doors could be locked instead of containers (or just make the containers that are supposed to be limited, without capacity limit or higher it few times at least, or make them 2 or 3 as a group lockers).
Location of Bases: I think a good idea could be to allow players send distresses in bases, so they dont need to show the way to people, which often ends up just annoying and a lot of relloging. (ofcourse, if someone aquires the signal, he could come inside the base, but wont see it when distress disapears)
A far wish of Faction relation system: I wish that there was an extended faction vs faction reputation system just like between NPC factions and players. This would effectivize the militia slightly (might then be no need for super duper militia like now). If name colourizing is back, it would also be a lot easier to see who is enemy who not. Same goes with mercs behaivour and slaves AND usefull versus NPC aswell. I think its a good idea for a faction to allow them have a war with NCR for exemple, and if they want peace, then they have to pay them. State of war between NPC and Player factions could allow the members of NPC faction to attack the player factions, ofcrouse if relations between that NPC faction and the town the fight is happening in are good, and NPC factions wins capturing the town, they might hold it for few days and then give back control to the past owners (NCR is pretty specific here i think, as they earn more on doing trade with towns then owning them). Other NPC factions could react diffrently i think, specific for their "lore", like BoS, they shouldint hold anything. Enclave should extrerminate. VC maybe enslave and drain all the resources before leaving. Raiders could just raid without capturing, which would give them caps by each civilian killed and so on and so on...