I think it's much better now. It's strange to see how everyone is a millionare in a wasteland..
Plasma pistol is just too weak, with too low range.
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence
magneto laser pistol works pretty well against metal, even without aiming, and has great range. Though it will never mean an insta-kill, at least not in end gamer PvP, even with 1 luck if you get off 5 shots in a turn you can still land a crit now and then. I guess its important to stay on the move in this situation.however instead of firing 5 loose shots its easy to pull of two aimed (if your not a quick shot) with this weapon which is a much better way to go imo
You sure it wasnt just laser pistol? Magnetolaser pistols have armor piercing mod (if I'm wrong correct me, please) so it does noticeably more damage than a simple laser pistol.