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Author Topic: sniper/doctor build  (Read 2789 times)

sniper/doctor build
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:24:08 pm »

what do you think about this build?

it supposed to be pvp, rt char. i want to make drugs for myself, like mentats so i can trade with mercs and have 2 players following me. cigarretes + sharpshooter give me 10 perception. what else should i take? with weapon handling i can use sniper rifle. i know it will be hard to level up, but it doesn't matter. so? is it good?
Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2011, 01:39:12 pm »

I don't think it's necessarily bad, but you will not be a good sniper. One shot sniper with 70% eyes critical chance can't compete with jet-drugged pvp snipers with many APs and high critical chance. What I suggest you is to make two chars, skilled doctor who will be able to make a proffesion in less than 9 levels and a dedicated druggy sniper for RT. That would be my choice.
Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2011, 03:08:57 pm »

it's probably better idea to have 2 chars. so what would you change if we forget about doctor? can you give me some example of drugged sniper build similar to this one? is high amount of ap so important? i'd need a lot of aps to shoot twice with aiming. maybe it's easier to shoot and then take cover?
Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2011, 08:34:52 pm »

Want my advice? Go for your sniper/doctor. Why? Because having a balanced character is more rewarding than having to compete with the drugged up powergamers.
Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2011, 10:07:29 pm »

From what I understood kiroslav apparently wants to compete with drugged up powergamers, so...  ::)


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Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2011, 10:26:49 pm »

Listen to Trias, don't do 2 half-chars.

It's much more fun if your char is good without need of relogin, and belive me - much more satisfaction ;)

What I suggest to change in your build, is to lower SG skill. With 261% and Sniper Rifle you will have about 129% TO-HIT chance from 50hex (max. range of SR). Pretty nice, but in real, you get just 95%, so 34% is wasted. In this range of skill (>200% => 1%=6sp), its 204 wasted skill points! So u can lower Int by 4 points, and still have 95% TOHIT. Those 4 SP you can split into ST (if you resign from weapon handling, each point gives +20% SG) and Endurance or Agility...

Of corse, if I were you, I would recalucate that all again =]
Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 10:53:33 am »

Oh yes, let's everyone make one char sg/bg/ew/doctor/armorer/demolition expert-sniper/burster/sneaker/grenade thrower. Too bad game itself won't allow you to do that.
It's much more fun if your char is good without need of relogin, and belive me - much more satisfaction ;)
...and much more dying.
Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 03:19:10 pm »

From what I understood kiroslav apparently wants to compete with drugged up powergamers, so...  ::)

yeah, i'd like to try that. i see you need specialized char to be really good at smth. so what should that drugged up sniper look like?

i'm looking for some builds now and people often recommend perk "brof". what is it? i never saw it on wiki or in game.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 03:34:07 pm by kiroslav »


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Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2011, 05:34:48 pm »

Hm, then I'll make one char as doc, so I'll have some stims, and drugs. Then, one char for stealing, one for trading, one for crafting SG, next for Aromor and other to enslave ghuls....

Quote from: Kelin
Oh yes, let's everyone make one char sg/bg/ew/doctor/armorer/demolition expert-sniper/burster/sneaker/grenade thrower. Too bad game itself won't allow you to do that.
Won't allow? What are you playing? The game is MADE to play this way! It's the whole sense of MMO-type games. You see: I do this, you do that, then we trade, or just - cooperate. Remember, if you don't need other players for anything, you don't need multi-player-games at all.

Quote from: Kelin
...and much more dying.
And so...? It's fallout, dying is what makes this game so special  8)

Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying your gaming style is 'stupid' or something, I just think that playing WITH OTHERS is all, what differs Fonline, from Fallout 1&2. So, I play that way, and I always suggest this game style to others.

Quote from: kiroslav
yeah, i'd like to try that. i see you need specialized char to be really good at smth. so what should that drugged up sniper look like?
You can be good at something and still - be able to do more than 1 thing with one char. Or, I am just wrong.

Quote from: kiroslav
i'm looking for some builds now and people often recommend perk "brof". what is it? i never saw it on wiki or in game.
Bonus Rate Of Fire - u need 1 AP less to shoot with your fire arms.


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Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2011, 12:47:50 am »

I half and half agree with Vodnik, making 1 char to do both ways is usually a more flexible way of playing, your doctor skills will be as good as they can go although the issue here is your PVP skills... Now that one character there is kinda ok, better than most crafter builds around and as such you should do decent, thing is tho, powerbuilds will pummel you into the dirt HARD, and make things frustrating when hunting-collecting resources, let alone going Tcing or PVPing on non protected towns.

My advice... If you are not frustrated enough with the overly enforced PVP mechanics, then by all means that do hybrid and give him a cool name (something evidently lacking in most builds nowadays)

However, if you've played enough and are very well  aware of the assholes that lurk the wastes just for the fucking lulz, then do both builds, and try to minmax whatever you plan on doing with all the drugs available on the market, this one choice ends up being very costly and time consuming, however the glory of defeating those damn assholes in their own game is very rewarding by itself

Third choice, work with a gang, having 1 or 2 Powerbuild guys among several crafters which works best than any other alternative. While the powerbuilds wont not craft, they can collect stuff, and while the crafters will hardly fight, they will do decent meatshields for the real pvp builds.

I think it's much better now. It's strange to see how everyone is a millionare in a wasteland..


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Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2011, 02:49:30 am »

proved that direct builds efficient of hybrid
better do the 12AP sniper with 50-56 hex range

NEVER do the hybrid builds  ;D
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Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2011, 06:47:12 am »

What the hell are you smoking, Kelin, the game allows players to pursue multiple proffessions and dying is not a problem because we all respawn.
Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2011, 02:55:16 pm »

proved that direct builds efficient of hybrid
better do the 12AP sniper with 50-56 hex range

NEVER do the hybrid builds  ;D

Yeah never do hybrid builds because you can never compete!

I think most people here are forgetting we're playing an RPG. Part of the RPG is talking to people, doing a couple of quests, grinding... etc. If the devs wanted everyone to have 1 cha 1 int powerbuilds they wouldn't have put the restrictions in (like unable to talk to merchants, dumb dialogue etc)

I get a lot more out of FOnline by exploring, meeting the insane people (PC and NPC), building up a stash at my tent, gathering a few slaves and selling them than only being able to chat over Skype/IRC due to low intelligence and unable to trade due to low cha.

"But hey I GET 2 PWN wiV mA LAZ0r GUN!!!"

Yeah, you do. But only other people like you and the occasional random guy who just thinks you're a dick.


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Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2011, 07:03:03 pm »

"But hey I GET 2 PWN wiV mA LAZ0r GUN!!!"

Yeah, you do. But only other people like you and the occasional random guy who just thinks you're a dick.

You got this very wrong pal. Theres more than JUST the occasional random guy lurking around killing people... Theres a whole world of powerbuilds dedicated at Tcing, and THEN theres a whole world of powerbuilds dedicated to PK, and THEN theres a whole world of gangs that use both on dedicated areas for the LULZ.

This game has proven to me time and time again, you will die alot, and thats a fact that no one will circumvent, thus the usual saying ¨Dont get too attached to your gear¨. Theres however the pvp enforced mechanics that make dying a real chore, its never fun to die when it happens by chance and theres very little you can do about it. Oh and those mechanics that affect Pvpers are circumvented by the use of ALTS, its stupid to think that guy in a LSW and a BA doesnt have a big number of vassals that work day and night so he can keep a flow of new and shiny armors/weapons/drugs

This whole pk thing is just another form of bully, supported by bullies and frowned upon by Non-bullies and those who bully the bullies (APK factions), Thus it boils down to a dog eat dog, and I for one im tired of being the lesser dog, thankfully it really doesnt take much money to do and sustent Pvp builds so GO DO ONE and get on the killwagon before wipe comes
I think it's much better now. It's strange to see how everyone is a millionare in a wasteland..
Re: sniper/doctor build
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2012, 09:41:55 am »

Hybrid builds are first of all fun to play and xp. When the lvl up high enough they're good for doing quests (such as the tanker) and having fun with your other mates. Most of the PVP builds are achieved after you make your first few hybrid crafter builds, which sustain him (or some lame ass gang which you just leech on).

If you begin a game as solely PVP char vs hybrid char - the other one can XP faster, get better items faster, and do many other things besides just killing thingz.
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