New international FOnline project based on FO engine. th project works to 6 people for two months. Currently we are looking for more people.
The whole is happening in Europe. All entered the city are new.
The system of energy weapons is changed. There are a tactical weapons for, the knockdowns, radiation, detoration damages.
Implement a new and realweapons BG, and a lot of the SG (like AK various versions). There are about 50 new armor. Besides, a lot of work ahead of us.
We hope to finish by the end of the year.
A few details:
-Action in Europe
Two factions, NPCs and players subfaction
-weapons divided into 4 categories craftu
-1 craft category-can do alone
-wyższyszch-to perform only under the category of subelements
-2 Category, perform the NPCs in the cities
-3 And 4 only in special locations, NPC do for money and subelements
-added some weapons to BG CKM
-added a lot of weapons to the SG
Standard EW-removed
-EW is a tactical weapon and causing knockdowns, detoration weapon and armor, radiation
- The performance of armors as weapons
- 12 combat armors, each in several colors
- Max lvl 27-29
-and logs andproxy allowed
-number of cities26, a lot of smaller sites
To do:
-new graphics
-write scripts for NPC faction system and players
-SG-some weapons and a few BG, armors
-weapon and NPC balance
-23 Cities, NPCs, dialogs
-translations into other languages the project and become a developer!!!
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