FOnline Development > FOnline Projects
FO: Desert Europe
--- Quote from: Lexx on December 12, 2011, 10:27:47 am ---I don't think that anyone of us sees this as competition. After all, developing the game is still just a hobby and not a project to gain fame. By the way, we listen a lot to criticism and suggestions and we read pretty much everything of it, regardless of how aggressive and insulting the poster is writing. Lots of things changed already due to players suggestions, I don't know why many people are dismissing this all the time.
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I'm not dismissing your effort in making game better, im aware its a hobby of yours and im really grateful u guys doing it. I don't look forward to V13 project coz i'm rather sure it wont meet my expectations as Fonline did. Still i wanna see it evolving. That's why i think about "healthy" competition. No overzealous crap or something. I'm new to Fonline, been reading through forum a lot now and playing since spring so im not really in position to point your mistakes, just express my feelings about it without hating coz it wont help anyone. U already know that people will always complain no matter what u do. I just putted a lot of hope in to Fonline and feel bit sad with player count dropping as it makes my fun bit lower then few months ago. Last Changelog is dated 07/03/2011 and there isnt much rumors about next one, not to mention famous wipe (i know u probably hate this word now ;)).
If people will think you are to busy with other matters, not Fonline, then they will leave as we are not necrophiliacs. We don't wanna play witch dead body ;). That's what worries me. I hope that soon i will be very surprised and will have to feel stupid about what i just said.
Developer sometimes need a long rest without players opinions. I know, that is hard to understand, but propably when DE server will start, than 2238 devs will find the silence to "respawn" their server with much more power. And than we will take rest for few months.
You must know this, DE in OBT propably will have many bugs. Why? becouse we did started our work on this game only 8 months ago. We don't have any experience in manage server with players. But i know that many players help us very fast fix all bugs and make game more and more advanced.
Other thing is that - we need scripters. Two of our scripters are too young and have school, and now I am making almost all scripts and configurations alone.
If someone from you are knowing Angelscript or C/C++ than our dev team is open for that person.
Shit I really lose allot of spam and trolling, but I'm ready for more.
In new year our project gonna be just open for players. It gonna be more like: the project "FODE" is still in dev just open for players. Please don't see it as a real OTB because it's just not real. Everybody got there own lives, and we do our best. But plans are just really hard to make on the planed date. We were aware of the amount of work. We still need to do allot, but we are doing it and we will do it. No matter what!
About stealing, just ask the authors (of the things you believed to be steal) That we really steal it or they give it. And if you got no prof stop it please.
The World is ready, not really we got allot of bugs. Things to do. We planing just do a version, that players can decide what they really want to see on our server.
Sorry for my English. And see yaa in january in the game.
--- Quote from: Ras on December 11, 2011, 06:18:55 pm ---
you dont try ???!!!
And what is this? and where is this topic? Who delete him? is it ok?
...This is all what you want to say? oh... it's a pity because I am still waiting for that list from you.
You and Mr. "X" drove this trooll machine and we are so stupid that we are caught up into this talk.
But thanks, because I learned that for some comments write-off is waste of time and this time I could spend on something more useful. Patience I will be learned from 2238 developers ;)
You dont sit with us on mumble and you have no idea what we have relationships.
So please do not drives another nonsens topic...
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I think DE is more like an open project, because if it`s not and you demand some rights to it you have to figure out that with fallout owners, otherwise you stole their graphics, world, etc.
greece crisis:
i am wondering about de craft system. i saw plenty of items and resources and i dont like to collecting 20items to create pa ;/
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