FOnline Development > FOnline Projects

FO: Desert Europe

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Johnny Nuclear:
This is mess. Xenom what the hell are you trying here? you are only ridiculing yourself, DE and DE dev team, stop this.


--- Quote from: Hololasima on December 11, 2011, 10:10:07 pm ---This all is just embarrassing ...

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I agree. When shit like this happens, one stops and thinks about how fucked up this community is. It's a bit embarrassing sometimes to belong to it as well.

I am honestly wondering why this thread's not locked yet.


--- Quote from: Eternauta on December 12, 2011, 01:17:38 am ---I am honestly wondering why this thread's not locked yet.

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We like to give a chance to Desert Europe, as any other project, to share informations about it before authors set all "community stuff" like forum, irc, mumble, etc. (for some reasons people don't want to use for finding new projects, even if it should be central of FOnline world... but this is another story). Last time i checked DE forum, there was almost nothing in there, so not a suprise people don't waste time going there, if all info is posted in here anyway. Besides, more active servers - more testers of engine itself, more bug reports, bigger chance for new/better engine features or totally new things written by other teams, and so on... We don't need to throw shit on other projects to get "kick" to work on 2238 or SDK, DE team still have a lot of time to learn it. And we don't need to waste time on "they closed our thread, they want to ruin us! let's hate them!" bullshit that most likely (looking at previous posts) will show up after closing it. I say "let it flow", at the end we all want to find perfect multiplayer Fallout. If whatever DE team do with this thread give at least few people as much fun as i had after finding 2238, then let's leave it. Thread is fine as it is, under Desert Europe team control, as much as possible for regular users.

This doesn't mean that other moderators share my opinion, and topic can just disappear when someone cross the line :)


--- Quote from: Johnny Nuclear on December 12, 2011, 01:02:08 am ---This is mess. Xenom what the hell are you trying here? you are only ridiculing yourself, DE and DE dev team, stop this.

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Do you know other devs who can sometimes take more relax in their hard job, and make trolling, whatever with other people? I dont think, becouse dev must be... like batman :-D.
I like unstress in that style and you can forgive me that ;-)

Sometimes is realy nice when you can take relax, 5 beers, drink it and than put some troling with normal, and unormal people on forum to test how many persons are interested for topic (was open 600 times in last 24 hours).

Ridiculus or not, absolutly logical and under my control, becouse many, many and many people are reading this topic.
Propably much more of them will test playable obt and give the infos to other about the game quality. And than everyone will forget about that what was here writed.

In polish: ja @#^%ole, ale mam kaca po wczorajszym. Nie da się dobrej gry tworzyć bez odpowiedniej ilości alkoholu...
Propably in 1,5 week will be available client to game, you can help us if you wish with finding important bugs before OBT.

HAHA, i understand u perfectly clear, i sometimes cant play without having few beers simply because im bored with farming or sumthin. Couple of beers can make me dizzy and trolling in NCR more amusing. Anyway great screens, im really looking forward to this project. I fear 2238 will be dead soon and i have few concerns about DE, because getting attention of people will not be easy, i mean maps are big and world map as well so i think that average player amount in 2238 just wont be enough to populate your server and give us PvP possibilities in random encounters as often as 2238. Hope im wrong but we all know how hard is to satisfy people these days without dx10 effects ;) and game like this really needs numbers for great fun. I do not wish that 2238 was dead but it seems like it will anyway and DE might be only serious alternative for english speaking players looking for some challenge. I also hope u will be all the time open for players suggestions unlike 2238 devs, this will help consolidate community and keep numbers up, give us variety of choices and simply more fun as your and ours imagination is our only serious limit despite engine limits. Drink more if it helps u make this game better and better, na zdrowie ziomek.

BTW, my avatar is stolen from internet, i used it even without asking author of it if i could. Anybody wanna sue me?


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