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Slaver facial tattoo

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Anyway, how would you like to see such tattoo in game - as 1 pixel? Or are we playing different game?  ::)

I know how many frames it is, but if longhaired dude and bald can be made then modding the face is doable too. The area that needs to be edited is 10x10 pixels, most frames can be copy pasted and the face is only visible 50% of the time anyways. I just wish there was a script to batch extract all the frames and recompile them.

Yeah its not happening, face is way too small for any level of detail. Maybe baldhead dude would have more room.


--- Quote from: Roachor on February 07, 2010, 08:49:26 pm ---Was there ever any description of what it looked like? It would be cool if there was a custom slaver skin once you join. It wouldn't be that hard to draw something on the blank face and you'd only have to copy it on the frames facing down for bluesuit/metal/leather skins.

--- End quote ---

I could only see that relevant if FOnline had face pictures like in FoT.

Face is only a handful of pixels anyway. You wouldn't see it sadly. Now why the hell would slavers make their tatoo on their forehead I can't understand. It's sooo much easier to earn trust of the victim if you don't have a "I'm a slaver shoot me or run" tatoo very visible.


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