Other > General Game Discussion

Slaver facial tattoo

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Was there ever any description of what it looked like? It would be cool if there was a custom slaver skin once you join. It wouldn't be that hard to draw something on the blank face and you'd only have to copy it on the frames facing down for bluesuit/metal/leather skins.

It's still a fuck-load of work.

Is a little tattoo on the face really worth it?

normaly i would say no but for RP purpose is a nice add imo  :P

Yeah, a load of work, and if you'd like to have it implemented, you probably would have to do it yourself.

A simpler way would be to enable custom descriptions. Even if most people would use them to type in stupid shit, I still think it would be worth it. At least I would instantly know who's an idiot not worth my time.

Sure. It's only something like, humm, to be optimistic, 20,000 pictures to paint by hand.


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