Other > Closed suggestions

New larger encounter maps with obstacles

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About TLA maps beeing better and blah:

We have right now 75 different encounter maps, spread all over the game world. TLA has 45. The reason why I don't want to add houses 'n stuff into the encounter maps is, because it a) becomes very repitative fast and b) it wouldn't really fit our worldmap, if you stumble across houses every 5 pixel. It's a big wastelands with small enclaves every now and then + bigger locations even less rar. This is the reason why I don't want buildings in encounters. The one map that is now ingame and has a building, will be gone some day in the future. It is true that because of this, TLA maps might look "more refreshing", but it's imo really not the way to go. What we will do in future is to build up on this, with more unique locations that are spread over the worldmap in a way that it makes sense and not like a clone fabric that spawns the same buildings over and over again, everywhere on the worldmap (in north and south and in the middle and a lot zones).

I always thought fallout had some lazy ass mappers since 90% in a flat plain with a border. I'm not saying only buildings, there are rocks in the desert you know.


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