Other > Closed suggestions

New larger encounter maps with obstacles

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Since the majority of encounters are on a flat plane the combat requires no strategy, so I'm suggesting the encounter maps be larger, groups would spawn 2/5ths of the way in the map from either end and there could be objects to use as cover such as boulders, trees or crumbling walls.

City maps have plenty of cover but it shouldn't be surprising that desert is flat. I agree that spawning near exit grid would be a good idea. It would help gathering too because you wouldn't have to run so much when entering empty map.

would also help escaping pkers

Hell, we should make some Brute Force Mapping Contest, like on TLA.

Grab the mapper and the manual and submit some maps!
The winner shall be included as a random encounter, but what should i care, it's a suggestion.

That is a good idea. I am sick of the exact same random encounters. Maybe we could just steal some of TLA's, if they're any good.


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