Hi, this is my idea about easy for begginers, farmable dungeon-like instance. All you have to do is grab some gun and ammo, bring friends if you like and kill all on your way to do a quest.
The quest is about killing the scorpions queen (well, rl scorpions don't have leaders, but as fallout said, mutated ones have more iq) and bring her tail.
NPC quest giver: Maida Buckner, Klamath (it's a bar with Sulik)

NCP quest ends: Maida Buckner, Klamath
How to obtain a quest: make her first quest about geckos pelts do prove your strong. After that ask her for more things to do, dialogue:
(W)astelander: Have you got anything more to do for me?
(M)aida: Yeah, but you are not trapper, I can't hire you to do it.
1. I can handle that, tell me more.
2. You're right. I'm just leaving.
M: Ok, but it's on your own risk. We have a big problem with radscorpions located east. If u kill them all and bring tail of the largest one, I'll pay you some caps.
Location: East of Klamath
http://i53.tinypic.com/20zo2ac.jpgConditions: Kill all living there radscorpions and bring Queen Radscorpions Tail back to the questgiver.
Reward: 500 caps, 1000 experience
Cooldown: Once you enter, u'ill receive 24H cooldown.
Small Radscorpion,
Large Radscorpion, Queen Radscorpions (SPECIAL 8/2/6/1/2/7/2), AP: 9, HP: 130, AC: 7, XP: 500, UA DMG: +5, strong poison)
You have to travell to the cave near klamath. It looks like it, but bigger and with tunnels
http://i52.tinypic.com/j9vz1d.jpgYou follow up path and meet few small radscorpions. When you go deeper, you will find few rooms, with smaller and larger scorpions. In one of them, there is unconscious man wearing leather armor. It's wounded trapper with -10 hp, which needs a help. You can use first aid to help him, rob him or kill him. If u help him, theres dialogue:
T: Thanks a lot, i have been badly injured, now is much better. I'll give you my gun, hope that will help you. Give me a while, I need to rest. Back to me when you'will clear a path.
You will receive a 10mm pistol and 24x 10mm ammo JHP.
If u kill all scorpions there, talk to him again:
T: Take this, it's an antidote, might help you.
You will receive 3x antidote
If you rob him, he has 50 caps and 30 .233 ammo and stimpack. If u kill him, you can loot Hunting Rifle and 50 caps and stimpack.
Last room have the Queen Radscorpion, she looks same as larger radscorpions, also there are 5 large radscorpions. Queens body contains Queen Radscorpion Tail, which is provided for quest.
When you leave a lair, message appear in a chat window:
You've completed your task and help/kill/leave injured trapper. Now it's time to back to Klamath and claim your reward.
+500 exp for help trapper/0 for kill/leave him
Experience in total: 1000 (quest), 500 (queen), 500 (trapper), 1210 (11 large radscorpions), 1800 (30 small radscorpions) = 5010 experience