I think we should make a Ranger's faction...
To join the NCR Rangers faction, you need to talk to Elise.
Before join you need to do some quest like a: Save ranger in V13.Ranger was been trapped by slavers they want ransom,but rangers will never deal with slavers,so your quest is go to V13 and kill all slavers and save ranger.
Then come back to NCR talk to Elise and become a NCR Ranger.
Reputation changes when joining
Here is what happen to your reputation if you join the NCR Rangers faction (becoming a citizen).
Faction Impact If your reputation is equal to 0, you'll be marked as...
Brotherhood of Steel -500 Antipathy
The Enclave -2000 Vilified
The Unity +400 Accepted
Bishop Family -1000 Hated
Necropolis Ghouls -700 Hated
Slaver's Guild -2000 Vilified
Broken Hills Mutants +400 Accepted
Raiders -2000 Vilified
Followers of the Apocalypse +150 Neutral
Hub Criminals -300 Neutral
Children of the Cathedral +250 Accepted
Broken Hills Humans +200 Neutral
Vortis' Slavers -2000 Vilified
Mordino Family -50 Neutral
New Reno Sex Workers -50 Neutral
Salvatore Family -50 Neutral
Junktown Citizens +50 Neutral
Water Merchants +50 Neutral
Free Traders +50 Neutral
Crimson Caravans +50 Neutral
Far Go Traders +50 Neutral
FLC +50 Neutral
Gecko ghouls +50 Neutral
Gunrunners +100 Neutral
LA Scavengers +100 Neutral
Regulators +100 Neutral
The Slags +150 Neutral
Klamath citizens +100 Neutral
LA citizens +100 Neutral
Den citizens +100 Neutral
Modoc citizens +100 Neutral
Junktown citizens +100 Neutral
Redding citizens +100 Neutral
Hub citizens +150 Neutral
Courtyard citizens +350 Accepted
Vault City Citizens +350 Accepted
Communists +400 Accepted
Redding Citizens +650 Accepted
New California Republic +750 Accepted
In last quest you should gain a NCR Ranger Combat armor,this armor is pretty nice and rare,so they are allways in base and they are begin to rust there for ever.This armor is not so good as BA so i think it will be good to gain NCR Armor this way.Quest should be something hard for time to do like kill 200 Slavers in wasteland.
There should be added NCR Rangers faction terminal where you can leave (Resign).
Reputation changes when leaving Faction Impact If your reputation is equal to 0, you'll be marked as...
Brotherhood of Steel +250 Neutral
New California Republic -1000 hated
Communists -200 Neutral
Vault City Citizens -175 Neutral
The Slags -75 Neutral
Hub citizens -75 Neutral
Gunrunners -50 Neutral
LA Scavengers -50 Neutral
Regulators -50 Neutral
Klamath citizens -50 Neutral
LA citizens -50 Neutral
Den citizens -50 Neutral
Modoc citizens -50 Neutral
Junktown citizens -50 Neutral
Redding citizens -50 Neutral
Courtyard citizens -50 Neutral
Water Merchants -25 Neutral
Free Traders -25 Neutral
Crimson Caravans -25 Neutral
Far Go Traders -25 Neutral
FLC -25 Neutral
Gecko ghouls -25 Neutral
Broken Hills Humans -25 Neutral
Mordino Family +25 Neutral
New Reno Sex Workers +25 Neutral
Vortis' Slavers +1000 Liked
Children of the Cathedral +125 Neutral
Hub Criminals +150 Neutral
Followers of the Apocalypse +175 Neutral
Raiders +1000 liked
Slaver's Guild +250 Neutral
The Enclave +1000 Liked
The Unity -200 Neutral