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Author Topic: Crazy Water Bag Idea.  (Read 6331 times)


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2011, 11:56:22 am »

So you find somebody killing centaurs, knock the person out, not kill, steal everything and let go on a slow journey? even killing will be bad because you spawn in some desert
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2011, 12:17:52 pm »

I do not like it... it reminds me SIMS game which was ok but aimed at different play/game style...

I do not wan't to have 2238 Fonline SIMS...

Adding food system is bad idea..  Our chars will turn into "tamagotchi" and players will be wating time for.. feeding... cleaning.. going to doctor... haircutting.. taking bath etc... What is a purpose of that? Only wasting time..


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2011, 03:49:56 pm »

Oh wow, what a great idea, but you're forgetting that it's not safe to drink such contaminated water as that found in wells. Characters should be required to disinfect it with calcium hypochlorite tablets before drinking, otherwise they should have 50% chance of dying of poisoning every time they drink it (replication time should be 30 minutes in that case).

Also, don't forget about all the radiation that's going on. Every sip of water that doesn't come from a safe water source (which should only be available inside vaults, since they have water chips) should give you +100 (or more) rems of radiation.

To even further annoy the players, limit the number of world map squares that a person can go through per one in-game day to... say... 10, and voilà! Nobody plays the game anymore, mission accomplished.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 03:52:55 pm by Stration »


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2011, 04:32:03 pm »

Why you delejting my NEGATIVE posts?!
And Positive DONT?!?!?!!!?
Welcome to my world :-X, in fact your post deleted could make this topic to go to another completely diferent discussion that only wastes time and get to no were, so dont speak about it :-X :-X
Adding food system is bad idea..  Our chars will turn into "tamagotchi" and players will be wating time for.. feeding... cleaning.. going to doctor... haircutting.. taking bath etc... What is a purpose of that? Only wasting time..
you forget sleeping, also we already had haircuting (also 3D era can take us to the new estetic and fashion era, i hope that dont happens)

I hate the SIMS, but im open to a food or water system,
this suggestion about water is very nice but i will aport that the water must become corrupted with the time for prevent new "water alts"

Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2011, 10:23:15 pm »

I do not like it... it reminds me SIMS game which was ok but aimed at different play/game style...

I do not wan't to have 2238 Fonline SIMS...

Adding food system is bad idea..  Our chars will turn into "tamagotchi" and players will be wating time for.. feeding... cleaning.. going to doctor... haircutting.. taking bath etc... What is a purpose of that? Only wasting time..
 We already do the underlined.  Soon we'll have this "Tamogachimeehrho" followers because we will have to feed them.  Besides those points, the wasteland is in almost every fashion revolved around food and water, so the wasteland in turn is a mix of rpg, action, and SIMs.  Fo1-2 didn't have these features but this is an mmo without any restrictions to keep players in check at all.  Only cooldowns have been made to do this.  This would maybe be the second step.

Besides, it's JUST WATER. It's free and it's in almost EVERY town.  It's not that big a deal.
Oh wow, what a great idea, but you're forgetting that it's not safe to drink such contaminated water as that found in wells. Characters should be required to disinfect it with calcium hypochlorite tablets before drinking, otherwise they should have 50% chance of dying of poisoning every time they drink it (replication time should be 30 minutes in that case).

Also, don't forget about all the radiation that's going on. Every sip of water that doesn't come from a safe water source (which should only be available inside vaults, since they have water chips) should give you +100 (or more) rems of radiation.

To even further annoy the players, limit the number of world map squares that a person can go through per one in-game day to... say... 10, and voilà! Nobody plays the game anymore, mission accomplished.
Your post is nothing but sarcastic trolling thus all you have done is bumped the thread. Thanks.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 10:26:30 pm by Michaelh139 »
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2011, 10:33:24 pm »

I feel water bags and wells are just so underused and pointless I figured I'd think of something....

In order to travel on foot, you will require water.  Every two squares distance (Going straight "left to right") will use up a water bag.  So lets say you need to travel 10 squares, you will require 5 water bags or more.

Now, in order to keep this from being TOO harsh, as I know it is indeed very very harsh....

Travelling will not necessarily "REQUIRE" you to have water bags to keep moving.  However there will be a consequence.  The effect would be a temporary Damage to Maximum Healthpoints and maybe other effects such as lower Strength and PE.

In order to get rid of this, you must drink water, but drinking whatever for each square you didn't have water, will only relieve you of half the negative effect it cause.  In order to FULLY be rid of the dehydration effects, you must visit a doctor, saying something along the lines of feeling really weak and sick.  The Doctor will say you've had a Dehydration stroke or Heat Stroke and it'll cost x amount of caps to treat it depending on your level.    
(The reasoning behind this is that heat strokes and dehydration strokes have long-lasting health risks if left untreated, so a doctor in such an advanced time-period of technology would probably be able to treat you.)

With 150% Doctor skill, and a Auto-Doc (Which could be bought as an accessory to bases, thats my idea anyway) you can treat yourself.  ( and maybe by using the auto-doc, treat others.)  But only at bases.

Update2:  I forgot to mention cars.  Cars would work the same, they would just be faster so you would require less water.

Personally I think that it would just be a restriction on players and not in the good sense. However I think it would be a good idea if you kept the World Travel as it is normally but if you have water bags you move 50% faster?


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2011, 10:38:04 pm »

Personally I think that it would just be a restriction on players and not in the good sense. However I think it would be a good idea if you kept the World Travel as it is normally but if you have water bags you move 50% faster?
I was thinking of this before I made topic as well, But I figured I'd go to the extreme first, and then work towards a good medium from there.  It's a good idea if this version simply isn't accepted.
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2011, 10:50:29 pm »

I was thinking of this before I made topic as well, But I figured I'd go to the extreme first, and then work towards a good medium from there.  It's a good idea if this version simply isn't accepted.

Hmm annoyingly it is a good idea however rather than impose penalties on everyone like it should it'll just make it harder for small groups/loners/noobs to travel from place to place. Gangs will no doubt have a 'l335t zweZome water guyz' alts and just bitch that this is just another reason why they need another alt.

I can also imagine being stuck in NCR to trade and running out of water with 20 300% steal eyeing me up and my tent is back at The Den :P


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2011, 11:09:10 pm »

Hmm annoyingly it is a good idea however rather than impose penalties on everyone like it should it'll just make it harder for small groups/loners/noobs to travel from place to place. Gangs will no doubt have a 'l335t zweZome water guyz' alts and just bitch that this is just another reason why they need another alt.
I have no doubt it'll have these effects...  Concerning the gangs anyways, but for loners and such, I just don't see it.  Maybe a NEWBIE NEWBIE would find this frusturating initially but I don't see it happening with at least semi-experienced players.
I can also imagine being stuck in NCR to trade and running out of water with 20 300% steal eyeing me up and my tent is back at The Den :P
That's the point :D,  Stock up well, plan your courses perfectly, don't make a slip or you'll find yourself in quite a ...  complication.  But NCR has a working well, so you could just refill your water bags there.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 11:12:09 pm by Michaelh139 »
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2011, 12:13:06 am »

Yes, for the love of god, if you look from technical standpoint, ofcourse it adds "annoyance" to the player, that's the very nature of a mechanic making the player care for its very characters sign of life... There are also good suggestions from user avv if you may use the search button our forum provides.


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2011, 12:23:43 am »

There are also good suggestions from user avv if you may use the search button our forum provides.
If you mean this:

That is indeed very similar but this post explains one of the mechanics this could involve.   That was just saying "Ok lets talk about this broad subject."
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2011, 12:25:37 am »

Yes, sorry Michael, wasn't trying to disprove your topic, I've written this reply hours ago, forgetting to use the quote button. ;)


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2011, 09:27:14 am »

Do you really think that forcing everyone to waste their time creating over9000 water tents is what this game needs? I don't.

The change you are proposing here wouldn't add to realism (cf. my previous post), its sole purpose would be to annoy players with no water tents, and prevent new players from exploring remote areas (such as... any place other than the town next to which they originally spawned).

In other words, introducing it would add *nothing* but (different degrees of) annoyance to *all* players.

If the fact that water bags are of no use at the moment bothers you so much, why don't you propose that they be removed from the server... instead of coming up with ideas that would make the game basically unplayable for many?


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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2011, 12:40:52 pm »

  WHY would you need an ALT for this???  Really.  Tell me.  You don't need to max level any skills, you don't need any skills AT ALL in fact.  Making water bags requires no skill, filling water bags up FOR FREE requires no skill, carrying water bags only requires carryweight, Using water bags requires NO SKILL.  You DO NOT need an alt for this.
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Re: Crazy Water Bag Idea.
« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2011, 01:02:37 pm »

 WHY would you need an ALT for this???  Really.  Tell me.  You don't need to max level any skills, you don't need any skills AT ALL in fact.  Making water bags requires no skill, filling water bags up FOR FREE requires no skill, carrying water bags only requires carryweight, Using water bags requires NO SKILL.  You DO NOT need an alt for this.

Nice straw man arguments you've got there, but I'll play along.

Of course you don't need alts for crafting water bags, neither do you need them for filling those bags up with water. However, to craft a water bag, you need resources: one brahmin hide, and one bunch of fibers, which are not readily available in many locations.

That means you need a tent with water bags in it next to every possible respawn point, and also, preferably, every 2 squares of the world map, just in case.

This means that if you want to actually travel around the world map, and not just grid-camp gas station in New Reno 24/7, you'd need approximately 100 additional tents (or a car...) in order not to get constantly annoyed by the lack of water... if your idea got implemented, that is, which I hope is never going to happen.


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