I don't know if it was already proposed, but i didn't see it in the suggestion tracker.
What i think it would be great, is the ability to assign to any of his follower (merc/slave/animal) a place to guard, permanently.
This follower would leave you a free slot, and remains on the same map, for the rest of his life.
The requirements :
- The place should be yours : If that is a tent, you need to have built it. If that's a base, you need to be a member* (trusted, important, or leader)
- The number should be limited : 1-2 for a tent, 10-20 for a base
- The guard can never be fired or moved to guard an other place. As long as he is alive, he stays there.
(if the player is removed of the faction, the mercenary is given to the leader)
After that, we can consider him into different kind of npc.
- Regular merc, that you can trade with, talk with, move from one place to another, (as long as you stay on the map), give the same orders than usual.
- You can't talk to them, only trade to resupply them. They move by themselves, on preconfigurated path. (like militia). You can give general order to the whole group, by the base computer, if you are the leader or an important member. (or talk to the only merc in a tent)
- No control at all, but no need to ressupply them. They get extra hp and defend members of faction only when attacked. A regular militia, but for bases. (if that's a tent, the 1-2 militian will only defend the tent builder)
If there is no player in the base/tent, these guards are the only one who will automatically shoots ennemies.
Any other followers would only stand there. (a player there can still order them to attack)
The purpose of this
- Reduce the ammount of merc alt, for base guard.
- Make free slot for those who don't want to alt.
- Have the ability to draw path, to make moving npc in bases (more life in bases)
- Put a real limit to the number of guarding mercs.
90% have mercenaries in their base.
Why wouldn't we make it official ?