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Author Topic: ugh, maybe you guys are right  (Read 2547 times)

Alec Ramsey

  • spiders, snakes, and lizards heads......
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ugh, maybe you guys are right
« on: May 23, 2011, 09:27:40 pm »

   having a hard time keeping up with this :P

i cant wear any good gear or use any good guns because im always getting shot by some crippler or big gun build.  it seems like this game is only for people
 with high outdoorsman and a chip on their shoulder.   like, your an idiot if youre a crafter, because how will you defend yourself?  peoples answer is usually to alt a character, but i dont think alt-ing is cool at all.    in fact, the more i play, the more it seems like alt-ing ruins the game, but i really wouldnt know.

     the gear i use to hunt with takes me a while to create, and when i step out to hunt, lately i just look at it and say"whats the point?'  this stuff will be gone before i can use it to earn enough loot to replace it.    like, people arent even pvp-ing for XP, its just funny to PK.   its a shame because this game has all the features i want in an MMO (thank you, devs!! awesome!!!), but i just dont have the balls-out blood-thirsty build-my-character-to-destroy-planet mindset the majority of other players have.  like, 1 burst from a big gun(maybe before screen even loads) and im dead.    1 turn from a player i dont even see with 9 perception cripples me up in 1 turn, and im dead.

i know all this shit has been said a million times before, and i know pvp is essential to the wasteland, but i havent had a pvp encounter that i ever stood a chance in.   VC was cool to hang around ,safest place in the game, but people who were liked enough to avoid guard punishment threatened to shoot me if i didnt leave because i helped too many newbies.  someone had given me a weapon i didnt want to lose, so i left.    to get pk'd 5 minutes after i leave.  lol  really.     thanks guys.   back to square 1.    hope you run over a nail today on your way to work.

its less of an MMO, more of a shithead nerd rage outlet or something.  i read about maybe making your own server. i know nothing about it, but its worth trying, i like this game alot.   haha where are the people who actually play, rather than crunching numbers until they have a kill everything build?  do most people even take advantage of half the game features?  its like some players arent even SEEING fallout, they just see a cursor and a person to fuck with.  i quit playing counterstrike years ago, but i feel im playing it all over again.

with the exception of a few players, this has been ultimately a frustrating ordeal, but only because of people.  the game is fucking awesome.  i love it, but i guess i just dont want to be forced to go all out combat pvp just to play it.     theres too much in the game to concentrate on just that.   i wish hardcore troll pkers would get bored and go away.

tl;dr   time to learn about private servers.


  • Violent Pacifist.
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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2011, 09:32:16 pm »

Get friends.
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"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
"It's what people know about themselves inside... that makes them afraid." -The Stranger

Alec Ramsey

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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2011, 09:35:29 pm »

had friends,had gang even, but they quit playing cuz someone backstabbed us and fucked over our base.   im telling you, fallout fans dont give a shit.


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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2011, 09:43:33 pm »

its not hard to get equipment make a pure combat alt none of this crafter bullshit crafter are just good for gangs when they need shit made and dont want to go farm it and for repairs. or make a unarmed criter wont need to care about equipment u just go into battle with fist and luck and kill some guys. find a bigger gang u seem like apk so go with tttla or wwp so crazy88 they have tons of stuffs and like to help people.
this game is not hard you make it hard you put yourself in pk's view lvl somewhere where no one never goes.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2011, 10:02:11 pm »

If you're still playing I will help you out and have fun n shit.  I've been looking to have a good ol' time as well with a fallout fan.

They just keep quitting eventually....
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2011, 10:04:19 pm »

well Alec, dont be so pessimistic,  yes this game is hard for new players, just keep improving and learning, things will get better :)


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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2011, 10:08:23 pm »

had friends,had gang even, but they quit playing cuz someone backstabbed us and fucked over our base.   im telling you, fallout fans dont give a shit.
when i was new... i nearly ragequit the game i got people following me to my tent many times and killed in TB traps
if it wasnt for michael i wouldnt be here this day ;] he helped me out when i was new to this game
also vedaras... that assface blubber killed my cow using steal glitch, had eveything i owned in it....
vedaras gave me stuff and helped me ;]
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 11:10:38 pm by wreese2u »


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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2011, 10:16:43 pm »

when i was new... i nearly ragequit the game i got people following me to my tent many times and killed in TB traps
if it wasnt for michael i wouldnt be here this day ;] he helped me out when i was new to this game

you lost a cow also with all stuff in it, i still remember that :)
Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2011, 10:20:52 pm »

Its easy to be too precious about your gear especially if you made it.
Dont bother crafting low tier gear. Its much more effort than simply farming crap from encounters and selling it for what you need, the det of shop bought stuff isnt an issue at low levels as tbh your gonna die before it breaks.

You dont need a pure combat alt to handle pve, get a group of friends together and go farm raiders. A couple of fals will easily buy you a fresh set of gear. Once you have the caps for it not to be the end of the world if you lose your gear eveything is more enjoyable.
I play a EE3 crafter and beat the last 3 attempts to pk me, one of them got away whilst singing cotton eye joe but guess thats life.
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence  ;D

Alec Ramsey

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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2011, 10:36:04 pm »

yeah i use to level around vc, but people are motherfuckers there too.   and WWP shot me on mutiple occasions for absolutely nothing.  like i said, i had a gang, but someone thought it is better to break it all up by betraying us and stealing everything.  so really, unless youre a weasel who only lives to make others frustrated (like i see on some of these fucked up troll threads) you really arent going to have much fun here.     i dont alt, you arent supposed to, or at least thats what ive been led to believe..and if im wrong, and alt-ing is encouraged, then nevermind, but... the freakin devs gotta waste time trying to figure out how to eliminate alt-ing and corral the immature cattle who wont follow an honor system, when they could be thinking about implementing cooler shit.    
see falloutdude,like you say "none of this crafter bullshit"  yeah because the way people play the game  it renders most features useless.  like, why is crafting in the game?  

heres an idea: get rid of crafting all together.  we get rid of professions too.   everyone is combat.  we remove shops, weapon deterieration, and alt problem solved.  sucks the majority doesnt have the patience to say "i will play legit"  and they make devs have to work around it.   like, devs have to make those little "baby gates" that keep cheaters in the "kids area". ::)

i dont alt, Shang Tsung from mkII does not exist in this dojo. >:(

although, apparently he does, and so do 1000 of his clones  :( so the joke is on me for following what i thought were the rules.

bah, maybe im just getting old.  i just dont see the fun in purely playing for pk moments, and im not tryin to fight fire with fire, its not how the fun gets at me.  like, i kinda enjoy getting into the game you know?   blood lust people just seem like they arent even in it for the game, its just a link for being an asshole.   lol, ok killing other players, whatever.  but like there is this nasty joy people get in online games thats only had by this weird kinda, like, bully, laughing shit i dont know how to say it.    see, thats gotta be who is shitting all over toilet seats in restaurants.              <--- besides, seeing kid shit like this.....boring.   no imagination, no fun, just kids trying to mess with people.

some of you are really cool, met some super dope people on here, but, chatting with them is the only reason i might even still be playing.  im having a hard time finding a reason to keep spending my time on this, thats why i want to look into sdk.  

godamn im bitching alot, sorry.   just want to enjoy this game, but i dont think im trying to play the same one as everyone else here, lol.

sorry for the rant, i'll knock this shit off. :-\
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 10:56:43 pm by Alec Ramsey »


  • yoz ace / yoz kage
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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2011, 01:34:02 am »

Just curious. What is your char name?
Kill the men, rape the women, eat the children.


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2011, 02:35:44 am »

Just curious. What is your char name?
hahahahahaha ooo god thats great yoz trololololol
Roaming the waste again.


  • Violent Pacifist.
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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2011, 02:37:59 am »

You should perhaps look into playing with others who are already established. This late in the wipe, with how fudged up bases are, it can be a bit hard to start something new yourself.
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"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
"It's what people know about themselves inside... that makes them afraid." -The Stranger


  • Crazy 88
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Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2011, 02:51:26 am »

Just curious. What is your char name?

HAHA Yoz wants to know if he has PKed you. lol

Re: ugh, maybe you guys are right
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2011, 03:00:23 am »

You dont even need a faction just ask around for anyone going hunting, or offer to take some nubs hunting ghouls or some crap. I made plenty of acquaintances who i would go hutnin with before i joined a faction.  I got betrayed once too but that shits gonna happen. The nobheads are a pain but they are an integral part of this games atmosphere, who cares if you die in most games you just respawn get gear back whatever.
Even stuff like the ridiculous wait for the train, it a pain in the arse but as i was running across the desert as a lowby shouting about not missing the train i realised just how cool that was, making someone actually give a shit about catching a train in a game is something of an achievement imo.
Crafting doesnt mean you automattically suck in combat. Chances are you are only putting a few more special points in int and ch and then tagging repair/science instead of doc/fa when compared to a pvpbuild anyway safety in numbers not in build imo.
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence  ;D
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