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Author Topic: What if? - One character per player  (Read 17111 times)


  • Beyond repair.
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Re: What if? - One character per player
« Reply #90 on: May 31, 2011, 03:26:56 am »

Crafters, Wasteland Guides (a.k.a. "Taxis") and any type of "peaceful" character would have a boring and frustrating life.

I disagree. Just because a player wants his only char to craft something, doesn't mean he HAS to use a shitty build for that. Also, not all leader/taxis suck at combat (I am sure that people like Vedaras or Michaelh139 would agree here). Also I believe that if you are a pr0 PvPer against a player not so experienced in PvP as you, you can defeat your oponent.

Imagine that you're 3rd level armor crafter and just crafted bazillion BAs and you encounter character that is 1/3 your level but he chose combat build. He rips you to shreds, takes effects of your hard work and you respawn w/ 98765432345678 minutes of crafting cooldown.

The crafter could give some BA's away to PvP players, who in return could travel with him, and protect him. "One char per player" would encourage this kind of behaviour, in my opinion.

Of course I agree that this would encourage more RP gaming, better cooperation between players and a natural neccessity for specialists in big factions. This all looks good when we write about it here but "I have a bad feeling about this", to quote Star Trek catchphrase 8)

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Re: What if? - One character per player
« Reply #91 on: May 31, 2011, 09:15:18 am »

a example of one Char is brad small he only plays brad small he has alts but they are like lvl 12.
Re: What if? - One character per player
« Reply #92 on: May 31, 2011, 02:19:17 pm »

I disagree. Just because a player wants his only char to craft something, doesn't mean he HAS to use a shitty build for that. Also, not all leader/taxis suck at combat (I am sure that people like Vedaras or Michaelh139 would agree here). Also I believe that if you are a pr0 PvPer against a player not so experienced in PvP as you, you can defeat your oponent.

Well, you're right here. I mean as long as you stay out of PvP fighting (serious PvP) you can have fun with e.g. Small Guns crafter + SMG burster (or sth similar) and hunt mobs like those Raiders around Broken Hills (those with assault rifles). I remember them being quite a challenge for a lone sniper with 1 aimed shot/turn.

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Really? No at all? I was coming up with this joke for about a month and for what?  ;)

BUT as I said at the end of my post- I had a sniper and his little helper. That was because I wanted this sniper guy to be able to cope with more OMGPWNZ0RZ builds (minigunners on psycho still could smear me on any wall available). And during mostly mob-hunting and making tons of cash on .223 and 9mm rounds I wasn't afraid of someone entering my encounter and taking my stuff just like that. Sometimes they took it, but had to go home blind or with broken limbs :)

You have to be aware also of people who will come a great legth just to cheat in a game and be better than anyone else. I can bet anything that there would be some players with alts that managed to bypass the limitations somehow.


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Re: What if? - One character per player
« Reply #93 on: May 31, 2011, 02:41:24 pm »

I think that playing only 1 char is awesome idea. i'll be very happy if that happens one day.
But in this case it has to be 2 types of skillpoints, i mean crafting skillpoints, which can be used only to up your repair science traps etc and skillpoints which can be used to up all the other.
So everyone will be happy - crafters wiil be a good warriors and warriors can craft weanons for themselfes.
Lux aeterna


  • Beyond repair.
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Re: What if? - One character per player
« Reply #94 on: May 31, 2011, 04:53:43 pm »

You have to be aware also of people who will come a great legth just to cheat in a game and be better than anyone else. I can bet anything that there would be some players with alts that managed to bypass the limitations somehow.

It's sad but you are right. Players tend to cry because the game "is Hello Kitty", then feel free to take advantage from exploits, bugs, etc.


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Re: What if? - One character per player
« Reply #95 on: May 31, 2011, 08:03:25 pm »

Well, in my hopinion one character per player would make the game more "MMO". There should be the possibility to make a crafter with decent combat skills, at least for fighting weaker NPCs alone, but still unable to make any resistamce to Unity and so on (Jhans should already be a problem).

Having one char per player would basically make player's social skills very important: as you said, crafters will have the economy power, and fighters can offer their protection. Gangs also will have more sense. There will be crafters, hunters and fighters according to everyone's favourite way to play the game.
Re: What if? - One character per player
« Reply #96 on: May 31, 2011, 08:43:34 pm »

Well, in my hopinion one character per player would make the game more "MMO". There should be the possibility to make a crafter with decent combat skills, at least for fighting weaker NPCs alone, but still unable to make any resistamce to Unity and so on (Jhans should already be a problem).

Having one char per player would basically make player's social skills very important: as you said, crafters will have the economy power, and fighters can offer their protection. Gangs also will have more sense. There will be crafters, hunters and fighters according to everyone's favourite way to play the game.

The only problem is people who are not in the big gangs. The popular gangs will never have any problem as they will always have the dedicated 1 int 1 cha power builds and the dedicated crafters. Although I'm all for one character per person it won't really solve anything. I've always played with only one character and tried to do a bit of everything (combat and crafting) but I'll never be able to compete with the power builds, and this ironically could make it more rampant.


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Re: What if? - One character per player
« Reply #97 on: May 31, 2011, 08:55:48 pm »

The only problem is people who are not in the big gangs. The popular gangs will never have any problem as they will always have the dedicated 1 int 1 cha power builds and the dedicated crafters.
This game was firstly developed as "Faction Mod" and (guess what) it was always focused on big gangs/factions and still is. That's why solo player would never be able to compete with organised groups and crafter-combat would never be able to compete with pure combat "1 CH powahbuild OMFG", whatever nerfs are about to come.
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Re: What if? - One character per player
« Reply #98 on: June 01, 2011, 05:44:28 pm »

well, i HAD one character, but i enered faction wars so i needed other caracters: a gatherer, some crafters, some combat builds...


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Re: What if? - One character per player
« Reply #99 on: June 01, 2011, 05:50:03 pm »

This game was firstly developed as "Faction Mod" and (guess what) it was always focused on big gangs/factions and still is. That's why solo player would never be able to compete with organised groups and crafter-combat would never be able to compete with pure combat "1 CH powahbuild OMFG", whatever nerfs are about to come.

But the thing is, factions and the competition between them encourages alting even more. Lone player can make his own goals where world domination isn't necessarily on the list so he can just chill and play solo.
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