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Author Topic: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING  (Read 15811 times)

« on: February 05, 2010, 12:20:08 am »

was standing in NCR earlier, when Rusty walked into town, i assume he has powers cuz his name was yellow instead of white AND he was a rat, after a second ALL the guards started shooting at him, him not taking any damage and walking off, 4 players DIE in the Crossfire.

things finally calm down and people start chatting again untill suddenly Me + 4-5 Others EXPLODE without any reason whatsoever
my stuff gets looted and i get onto mIRC to complain about GM abuse just to get CHEWED OUT by 2 More GM's

my question is: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?, the game alone is HARD enough with all the players that have high levels and kill bluesuits for laughs. not to mention the rollbacks that costs us tons of shit each time. (and yes i know it's a beta)
but GM abuse? shit and then DARING to ask for DONATIONS in the Launcher? somebody needs to have his Thinkbox checked.

EDIT: as for the profanity in my post? i don't give a shit cuz no matter what happens (bans from forum and game or whatever) i don't give a rats ass anymore.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 12:21:48 am by GeneralM13 »
Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 12:25:39 am »

You thought for a minute about some player actually bombed the place?
Some folks got 'em and some have not
But these are the breaks
Break it up, break it up, break it up
Break down!
..guess who
Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2010, 12:26:18 am »

You thought for a minute about some player actually bombed the place?

yes i did, but Corpses don't explode and there where 3 explosions
Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2010, 12:27:03 am »

Yes true words. You playing this game in style like admins wants(crafting, gathering resources, etc) and after this you are killed in NCR for nothing, beacuse some GMs doing idiots things for laugh or something.
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Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2010, 12:38:11 am »

Yes true words. You playing this game in style like admins wants(crafting, gathering resources, etc) and after this you are killed in NCR for nothing, beacuse some GMs doing idiots things for laugh or something.

Yup, a few days back everyone in The Den was flying ALL over the place, that was another Case of GM Abuse.

you are NOT gonna score players with that kinda stuff people.


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Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2010, 12:48:00 am »

As far as my informations are, it was a suicide bomber and people have been even revived after this. I can see in the log that nobody used explode command.
Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2010, 01:00:31 am »

Don't know about this case, but a similar thing happened a few days ago. Everyone in NCR exploded for no reason (including NPCs) and after a few seconds everyone was revived at 1 hp...


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Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2010, 01:03:05 am »

It was a suicide bomber, idiot.
Quote from: Zogra

ARWH. Scummers to the end.
Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2010, 01:09:13 am »

yes i did, but Corpses don't explode and there where 3 explosions

Think again - They DO explode if you put some extra explosives for vultures.

If theres a good reason to quit that game - Its cause all those damn whiners, doing nothing but cry about everything. Its not helping in game development, nor makes the game more interesting.

Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2010, 01:34:50 am »

I hate to say it,but i was there and it wasnt a suicide bomber.Ive seen it before and ignored it because i dont really mind,Im not poor so i can afford to lose shit.I can see how a new player would be upset.As far as nothing being in your logs about it,maybe you have a bigger problem than you know.Is it possible for a log to be changed without you knowing?If your just covering for him to preserve the respect we're supposed to have for gm's,then i understand the need for that.In all truth though,a gm should be above this kind of behavior.Im probably just wasting my time with this post so ill go back to silently observing the histeria.
Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2010, 02:17:50 am »

I thought the delayed explosion bug was fixed, is the dynamite still invisible on the corpse?
Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2010, 02:22:15 am »

I hate to say it,but i was there and it wasnt a suicide bomber.Ive seen it before and ignored it because i dont really mind,Im not poor so i can afford to lose shit.I can see how a new player would be upset.As far as nothing being in your logs about it,maybe you have a bigger problem than you know.Is it possible for a log to be changed without you knowing?If your just covering for him to preserve the respect we're supposed to have for gm's,then i understand the need for that.In all truth though,a gm should be above this kind of behavior.Im probably just wasting my time with this post so ill go back to silently observing the histeria.

it was not a suicide bomber i am certain finally someone that helps me prove a point, either way i quit the game i deleted my char and i aint coming back. i do not LIKE working for 4 hours to get stuff to have it taken away by some Power tripping GM on a Killing spree
and a simple revive is not gonna fix that either

EDIT: i was thinking about donating, getting more friends to play it... but after today i've had it.

i can understand Rollbacks and stuff that gets lost (cuz it's a beta) i can understand veterans that kill noobies (thats just how the game works) i CAN'T understand GM's trowing NPC's and Players Around like ragdolls (happened a week ago in The Den) and i CANNOT handle getting Exploded by a GM because he is BORED if he's bored he should go spawn some NPC's and blow those to smithereens instead NOT players that try and get along in the game AND LAST i CANNOT handle HOW the fuck i was being Treated by the GM's in mIRC either!

EDIT2: and once again, i do not CARE what happens i just wanna submit here WTF is going on in that server. maybe i'll just go back to the Russian server. i might not understand a fuck that is being said but the GM's there weren't fucking me over.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 02:27:53 am by GeneralM13 »


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Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2010, 02:27:26 am »

Delayed explosion bug?  How is that a bug?  You simply set for varying times on the timer and boom,  dead vultures.  On the same now how do you expect to see any dynamite on the ground among the body parts when soon as it happens, 9/10 times people swarm the area... unless this tactic was used just recently and everyone knows better.   

Wisdom: don't stand in a clusterfuck in the main area of NCR.  There's a ton of buildings around, further in the city.  Go sit around a table and jabberjaw.
Wisdom 2: Blowing up like this is a stepping stone in learning the game for newbies.  If they can't handle the griefing, then its good they get out now early instead of down the line.  Most people are smart enough Not to let this happen to them more than once.  Like following someone out into the wasteland for 'help'.  Its a learning experience.  Too bad you cannot take it in stride and keep going.
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Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2010, 02:28:50 am »

Delayed explosion bug?  How is that a bug?  You simply set for varying times on the timer and boom,  dead vultures.  On the same now how do you expect to see any dynamite on the ground among the body parts when soon as it happens, 9/10 times people swarm the area... unless this tactic was used just recently and everyone knows better.  

Wisdom: don't stand in a clusterfuck in the main area of NCR.  There's a ton of buildings around, further in the city.  Go sit around a table and jabberjaw.
Wisdom 2: Blowing up like this is a stepping stone in learning the game for newbies.  If they can't handle the griefing, then its good they get out now early instead of down the line.  Most people are smart enough Not to let this happen to them more than once.  Like following someone out into the wasteland for 'help'.  Its a learning experience.  Too bad you cannot take it in stride and keep going.

The Explosion didnt originate from the corpses, thats how i know it wasnt a bomber
IF it was a bomber i wouldnt have minded, but read again FIRST he gets 3 or 4 people killed by making the guards shoot HIM and letting them get in the Crossfire, then he blows up another 5-7 people orso.

EDIT: Ares missile silo is something similar, go in there and you're fucked untill a GM gets you out. and 4 of the GM's Present on mIRC didnt do SHIT they thought it was too funny to see me get Ressed and die every 5 minutes.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 02:43:08 am by GeneralM13 »
Re: GM Abuse, I'm QUITTING
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2010, 06:48:37 am »

Here's whats going on, suicide bomber has multiple dynamites set to different times. Even after the body disappears the explosion can go off on the square he died on.
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