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Author Topic: Amboy Tactical Tool  (Read 42999 times)

Amboy Tactical Tool
« on: May 18, 2011, 07:48:21 pm »

Hello wastelanders,

The Amboy Dukes faction is proud to release publicly the "Amboy Tactical Tool".

It plays audio files based on selected text in the in-game console. Triggered events are written inside the tool (over the fabulous Amboy Dukes logo!)

But there is more! It also starts automatically fraps when guns are in action. No more (nice, uber, kurwa) kills without its glorious memory in video.

Just watch this boring video, where you can hear the default sound set (fully customizable) and two stupid people:

Amboy Tactical Tool

Here is a screen of the program window:

Without further delay, an explanation of the settings that you can change to meet your style:

In the audio section, put the text to trigger on and the audio file to play:
Code: [Select]
<!-- You can add as much 'entry' as you want -->
<entry text="was killed" sound="dead.wav" />
<entry text="blinded" sound="blinded.wav" />
<entry text="crippled" sound="crippled.wav" />
<entry text="test" sound="test.wav" />
Beware that the text is case sensitive. You can play more than one sound per pattern, and play the same sound for differents patterns.

In the Fraps section, you give the text which launches fraps, and the sound to indicate it :
Code: [Select]
<!-- You can add as much 'start' and 'stop' as you want -->
<!-- But you can only have one 'on' and one 'off' -->
<on sound="fraps_on.wav" />
<off sound="fraps_off.wav" />
<start text="was hit" />
<start text="was critically hit" />
<stop text="*stopfraps" />
You can put more than one trigger.
To enable fraps control, you need to press the auto fraps button (allow you to disable it while PvE).

The last section is the timer section :
Code: [Select]
<!-- You can add as much 'start' and 'stop' as you want -->
<!-- But you can only have one 'progress' -->
<start text="You gained 1 Perception" />
<stop text="You lost 1 Perception" />
<progress time="27" sound="drugs_fading.wav" />
You give the start and stop conditions, and you can provide an audio warning at a given time after starting (in minutes).

If you want to disable a feature, just delete the line or rename the section.

WARNING : only the default start/stop command (which is F9) is supported for fraps, this will change in the future !

To make it work you just need to launch it and push the "start" button once the game is running. To test if it's working just type one of your pattern in the console (like test, or wilks or anything else).

To refresh the server info image, just click on it.

You can download it directly here
Uncompress it with 7zip, download the soft here if you need it.

And you can check updates and more on our forum: Amboy Dukes forum

More is coming !
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 01:00:17 pm by Caled »
"Mais tout le monde s'en branle de ce que vous pensez mon pauvre Caled" Wilks


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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2011, 10:34:13 am »

Very nice tool  :o

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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2011, 10:54:39 am »

Keylogger & trojan included?
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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2011, 11:07:23 am »

Keylogger & trojan included?
Not even close.
If you don't want to use it I don't care, but stop talking about things you don't understand here.

There is no backdoor/trojan/keylogger or anything in it, so next time you accuse me you'd better bring proof with you.
"Mais tout le monde s'en branle de ce que vous pensez mon pauvre Caled" Wilks


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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2011, 11:13:16 am »

Keylogger & trojan included?

encrypt your keystrokes on kernel level = solved.


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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2011, 02:41:47 pm »

Nice, saw it some time ago and resended to my teammates :>

Good job ;)
Most useful "feature" is for me, that this program use only ~10MB :> I think, that it could be less.. but this memory eater codecs.. :(

Keylogger & trojan included?
Decompile it for yourself and you will know...

But I'm not sure if it's fully "legal", because teoretically "third party programs" are dissallowed :(
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 02:47:05 pm by jan0s1k »


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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2011, 08:17:26 pm »

Im sure this will be considered as cheating and wont be allowed as Janosik said. But the recording thingie is quite useful, lets wait for devs' opinion.
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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2011, 08:24:15 pm »

Granted that it's really not Malware, it's a nice idea. As it doesn't give a real advantage over other users I don't think it can be considered cheating.
Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2011, 08:29:26 pm »

Granted that it's really not Malware, it's a nice idea. As it doesn't give a real advantage over other users I don't think it can be considered cheating.

Thanks for approving the idea, I'm glad it's considered legal :D.
"Mais tout le monde s'en branle de ce que vous pensez mon pauvre Caled" Wilks


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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2011, 08:54:18 pm »

Im sure this will be considered as cheating and wont be allowed as Janosik said. But the recording thingie is quite useful, lets wait for devs' opinion.

AFAIK (didn't check the tool myself), there's nothing illegal with it, as it doesn't modify the data or the exe in a way that gives an unfair advantage over other players. Granted this was the case with FOCD at first too, when it was simply showing countdowns, then anti-anti-alt feature was added "silently", which is why we then reacted.


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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2011, 09:20:09 pm »

Granted this was the case with FOCD at first too, when it was simply showing countdowns, then anti-anti-alt feature was added "silently", which is why we then reacted.

What, you mean the other features like auto aim, HP above head, and shortcuts to stimpacks, were OK? So we can have it again as long there is not this anti alt thingy that almost every players were deleting when getting FOCD?
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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2011, 10:01:19 pm »

What, you mean the other features like auto aim, HP above head, and shortcuts to stimpacks, were OK? So we can have it again as long there is not this anti alt thingy that almost every players were deleting when getting FOCD?
No, but it was implemented later in a proper way instead of via an unstable exe dependant API hook hack. More such useful UI/bind functionality is coming after wipe, like reload and using drug by bind.


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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2011, 11:35:35 pm »

No, but it was implemented later in a proper way instead of via an unstable exe dependant API hook hack. More such useful UI/bind functionality is coming after wipe, like reload and using drug by bind.

Great, I am glad to hear that :)
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2011, 12:25:56 am »

This shit.... is ... fucking.... beast...  nuff said.  The only tool I've downloaded and kept.
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Re: Amboy Tactical Tool
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2011, 12:50:04 am »

No, but it was implemented later in a proper way instead of via an unstable exe dependant API hook hack. More such useful UI/bind functionality is coming after wipe, like reload and using drug by bind.

Yeah we hear this and that but no info about when the wipe will be.
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