Talking about support alts not dual logging which i would state if i had been, How would that be stopped by making the game more balanced? If by balanced you mean god characters that can do everything then yes, that could stop it but considering I doubt many players really want to be stuck on playing only one build without having a god character (BG burster/SG sniper gets boring after awhile) I don't see how player interaction would help it.
I'll just edit this so i don't crowd up the topic, At BP, How is "Ability to do most of the things by a single character, NOT a jack of all trades? Once again i stated that having these "God" chars may very well kill alting but i believe that's pointless, Also how will a player be a good sniper/burster at the same time? You can be a good sniper and a mediocre burster, but not good at both without sacrificing important perks. There's a reason why almost all MMO's have builds, they are needed plain and simple. Without alts most builds will probably look too similar for the game to be any real fun.
Also, the comment about domination having non-combat characters, of course without alts that's going to be their ONLY character how many people do you truly believe will play a character who sucks at fighting? Then they are stuck with that character when they find he is boring or they have to delete? That seems awful.