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Author Topic: Visible people in world map.  (Read 4205 times)


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Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2011, 06:30:09 pm »

I have only one thing to add to what zamp and others said before. I'd like to suggest to make a chance to be spotted depending on your outdoorsman skill and level (as it was said already). So, if you're combat character which sacrificed everything (including outdoorsman) to be most proficent in combat, then it should be very easy to find where you're going.


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Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2011, 10:37:54 pm »

Then just give everyone equal chances to see encounters , players on WM. Like for example everyone has equal chances to find a gauss pistol nothing affects it , nobody can abuse that. Would still make this game more fun and interactive outside towns.
NOOOOOO you all dont get it, we need to eliminate once for all the posibility of make a lot of chars.
And if that means that the game will become a war against proxy and infinite ways of exploiting, yes that what devs and GM will do.
Its our only chance of make the game fair and skills useful.

PD: Dont ban exploiters, do like in Hlalo3 respawn one dev (in this case a GM) in front of that guy with a gravitational hammer and blow him up, then do that with IA all the times he try to get into the game. but dont ban him.
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2011, 05:24:58 pm »

The worldmap wasn't designed for multiplayer purposes, forcing such interactivity on it isn't necessarily the best solution.

As much as I hate the worldmap being a safe haven, this would lead to worldmap powerbuilds relentlessly hunting everyone and everything without rest. A beginner player with low level couldn't do anything because he would be chased down and shot instantly. It wouldn't even be that surprising if players camped the respawn square, hunted down and shot everyone who came from there.
Players would adapt to it by alting and metagaming, as usually. Example: high od and PE stuff mule.
If very high outdoorsman, sneak, perception and perks didn't matter so much, it'd be more fair.

Agree on that, the game would become completely different, I would rather like to see the world map completely removed and replaced by maps connecting towns and other locations.
Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2011, 06:19:26 pm »

NOOOOOO you all dont get it, we need to eliminate once for all the posibility of make a lot of chars.
And if that means that the game will become a war against proxy and infinite ways of exploiting, yes that what devs and GM will do.
Its our only chance of make the game fair and skills useful.

PD: Dont ban exploiters, do like in Hlalo3 respawn one dev (in this case a GM) in front of that guy with a gravitational hammer and blow him up, then do that with IA all the times he try to get into the game. but dont ban him.

I believe you're the one that doesn't get it, alts are part of the game and will continue to happen...forever, this may be a "mmo" game but with how the atmosphere is people don't trust each other enough, having only 1 character would be fairly boring, (btw your a hypocrite considering you name your alts on your profile, don't say no alts when you have several) You are not the chosen one, you should not be able to excell at everthing so having a class system in this game is fantastic but playing purely a crafter/shitty combat build or just a pure combat build and not having the chance to switch around is just a terrible idea.

Now back on topic, i love the idea and thanks for the pictures so everyone could easily understand it.


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Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2011, 06:24:35 pm »

I would rather like to see the world map completely removed and replaced by maps connecting towns and other locations.
:O complete world of Fallout

I don't think it's doable (would take a lot of people to do it), and in fact you can hide everything on WM, while in one big world you'd hardly add random encounters, rare encounters, bases, cars, tents....

Hope something is changed though, because worldmap and cooldowns are as exciting as watching pool of water dry out.
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Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2011, 06:50:33 pm »

alts are part of the game and will continue to happen...forever

Are you talking about alts as support characters, which are getting used from time to time (for example to craft something), or you're talking about multiboxing, which means launching more than one window in the same time? First part could be eliminated by making the game more balanced, where real player-to-player interaction are encouraged. Second will be impossible after the server update to revision 189 or later.
Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2011, 06:56:16 pm »

Talking about support alts not dual logging which i would state if i had been, How would that be stopped by making the game more balanced? If by balanced you mean god characters that can do everything then yes, that could stop it but considering I doubt many players really want to be stuck on playing only one build without having a god character (BG burster/SG sniper gets boring after awhile) I don't see how player interaction would help it.

I'll just edit this so i don't crowd up the topic, At BP, How is "Ability to do most of the things by a single character, NOT a jack of all trades? Once again i stated that having these "God" chars may very well kill alting but i believe that's pointless, Also how will a player be a good sniper/burster at the same time? You can be a good sniper and a mediocre burster, but not good at both without sacrificing important perks. There's a reason why almost all MMO's have builds, they are needed plain and simple. Without alts most builds will probably look too similar for the game to be any real fun.

Also, the comment about domination having non-combat characters, of course without alts that's going to be their ONLY character how many people do you truly believe will play a character who sucks at fighting? Then they are stuck with that character when they find he is boring or they have to delete? That seems awful.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 09:56:32 pm by Slaver Snipe »


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Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2011, 07:21:54 pm »

Don't know, probably you didn't thought about it much. But alright, I'll explain:

P2P interaction means:
1. Ability to craft the very best items only by more than one character (dual log shouldn't work, otherwise it's useless).
2. The most interesting quests (in terms of the story and reward) should be available for the teams only.
3. Domination will be only available for the teams (all types of characters will be involved including non-combat)

Balance means:
1. Ability to use any character, so it would be effective
2. Ability to use any gun, so it would be effective too.
3. Ability to do most of the things by a single character (It doesn't mean being a Jack of all trades, though).
4. Encouraging the using of a single character.

Most of these changes are planned, so I'm feeling less or more ok about it.

P.S. Sorry for going to the off-topic.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 08:14:58 pm by Graf »


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Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2011, 07:29:02 pm »

Most of these changes are planned, so I'm feeling less or more ok about it.

It wont happen soon, following what Lexx siad:

"What I can say is that domination will most likely not make it into the next update. While the system behind it is as good as done (as far as I know), we still are lacking lots of (tactical) maps for it.

The update for npc factions will be rather small as well. What we worked on the past weeks have been mainly changes to the follower system, various quests and a new quest editor (and other stuff here and there), while the editor took the most of the worktime. I wanted to write a blogpost about it already some time ago, but never got the time to do so, due to a new job which occupies most of my free time now."

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Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2011, 11:15:44 pm »

Small suggestion - maybe not people walking on world map as dots only to make world map squares - hexes in different colours. I mean for example if some hex on WM cordinates - 1002:1001 is often in use is red coloured, places when noone was in last 30mins are normal like now, etc. but I dont realize is it possible to do?


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Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2011, 11:49:35 pm »

to boost chance to encounter other player on wm u should change size of "squares" on worldmap. Without changing travellspeed and other shit , just change size of squares 2/3/4 x times. And chances grows propotional.

Other suggestion - if idea from 1st page is liked - to eliminate situation of creating haven for s8 (low level/blueuits killers), make all those red dots/players on worldmap only visible for 21lvl chars. - so only 21chars can be seen and only 21 chars can find other 21 chars. That would eliminate the threat of constantly killing bluesuits by bluesuits hunters.


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Re: Visible people in world map.
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2011, 01:00:46 am »

as it turns out squares and the squares Right by the square your in are possible to drop in encounters...  I tested.



Lets say you're in the middle, you can encounter player encounters in all of the following that are near you.  there could be more too it, I only can truely confirm the right left top and bottom you can still encuonter from middle, but diagnolly (Right word ehh?) I have not tested.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
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