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New Vegas: shit or not shit?

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I have a question. When is going to be Fallout: New Vegas? Could someone give the date?

19. October 2010, 22. October 2010 in europe.

You know... The whole thing about 3rd Fallout is afailure.... FALLOUT HAS ITS CLASSIC STYLE! From a StrategyRPG they made a 1st person shooter which was theyr mistake(althou they sold a lot of cds).

I dont even play Fallout 3 anymore because I came back to the Classic game Fallout 1 ,2 =D!


Theres an audio track of the game's intro or sumshit with ron perlman doing the VO. I was excited at first but its so fucking boring. WHats with the lame story for NV? Your some guy in NCR territory that gets shot in the head, you respawn 2238 style and have to find the PKer who killed you and get ur loot back... Here's a gun and anything else you bought with RL money to make your game easier because you cant simply use the fucking console and go player.additem 00022233F blah blah... Oh btw heres a pipboy you know there so rare and shit but I want you to have it, oh and take this dirty sweaty used ancient vault suit. BTW your probably a decendent from the original vault dweller and your mother was the arroyo's old lady....


--- Quote from: corosive on August 15, 2010, 04:14:47 am ---snip

--- End quote ---

"Hey, you know, our water thingy os broken, go out of here and fix it. Oh btw, here you have a pipboy, Ed out there on front of tje gate for sure has a gun for you. Oh, and while youre at it, please destroy these odd yellow creatures and save the world."

"Hey, you know our village is dying and we heard youre a descendant of the vault dweller. Here, take this pipboy and save the village. Oh, and while youre at it, destroy those evil black tinmen"


If you "analyze" the story in this way, it everytime sounds crappy. Also, do you rather want to hear how the world ended the 3729582th time in the intro?


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