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New Vegas: shit or not shit?

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The Pitt sucked because the baby was indestructible. Otherwise it was quite good.

you sick bastard, what kind of person are you if yu want to explode a baby. ;)

Lol I tried so hard to drop the baby in the pile of dead bodies in the sewer.

By the way, do OXM actually mean it SERIOUSLY or am i just missing the sarcasm?

--- Quote ---"Clearly, you have a responsibility to push the series forward, but there's also nothing worse than a misguided attempt to differentiate a follow-up that only ruins what everyone loved about the original. Throw in a new developer - [Fallout] New Vegas is being developed by Obsidian rather than Bethesda's in-house team - and there is no doubt that a fair few Fallout fans will be more than a little concerned that this could be a recipe for nuclear disaster" - OXM UK, Fallout: New Vegas article, March 2010.
--- End quote ---

I believe, someone put wrong "fair few Fallout fans" instead of "fair few Fallout3: Capital Wasteland fans."

Yeah what would black isle know about making a fallout game? ::)


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