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New Vegas: shit or not shit?

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You get the pip boy from an old vault inhabitant, plus would you rather you just had no menu? The point of the pipboy was to give a reasonable way to have all your stats and info available incorporated into the game instead of the usual hud display.

as i said earlier, it would be far more wastelandy if they put it into three modules, not all heroes can be expected to own a pip-boy

--- Quote from: gordulan on March 02, 2010, 06:08:15 pm ---A med-boy for the medical systems
A pack-boy for the inventory
and a notebook (in paper) for the quests, news and shit like that...

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--- Quote from: gordulan on March 03, 2010, 08:22:59 am ---as i said earlier, it would be far more wastelandy if they put it into three modules, not all heroes can be expected to own a pip-boy

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why have a -boy anything? whatever happened to having a backpack.

would be a kind of mess, rooting about it with about 20 or so assault rifles lying in there at any 1 time...
plus, wtf are the miniguns or laser gatlings gonna look like in there?
that is one thing that has really buggered me for a while now.
i have about 280 carry weight on fa3 right now though, triedit, and it wasn't that bad, maybe just a litte unfalloutlike, but not that bad, the pipboy really makes me want to chew off my arm at times, just because of the fact that 1 hand is always naked...
i mean, the glitched gary23 winterised combat armour looks really good, but the pipboy ruins 1 sleeve completely...


--- Quote from: gordulan on March 04, 2010, 06:32:19 pm ---i mean, the glitched gary23 winterised combat armour looks really good, but the pipboy ruins 1 sleeve completely...

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Yeah, there's mods for that. Everything looks a lot better without that damn retarded glove and bare sleeve.


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