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Author Topic: pathfinder-crafter Build  (Read 3905 times)


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Re: pathfinder-crafter Build
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2011, 08:33:50 pm »

Don't call the game unless you know what is it about. Sorry man but other ways at getting items suck and they arent still balance as it is beta - there are not much person which will buy or sell small amount/ not worth much items.
Just make an alt and be happy of alt user, or do not play energy weapons :P.
Best thing you could do then is alt.


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Re: pathfinder-crafter Build
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2011, 07:36:22 am »

I know it is the fastest, but is it really what is MMORPG about?
I've never played other MMOs, so I can only tell about FOnline - yes, it's all about the fastest, the easiest way. Not to mention about not trusting strangers you meet, so you can never tell if they want to trade, or just "pwn n00b for teh lulz".

Barely anyone would bother in looking for a player that has this or that for trade, when he can just make yet another alt to reach his goal(s). But aren't we off the topic already?
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Re: pathfinder-crafter Build
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2011, 10:13:46 am »

yeah, seems that we're already off topic  :P. Anyway the alt question its interesting, as tomowolf said, it is pretty hard to live with one character in such hostile game. Maybe when the game become more balanced it will be possible, but for now i'm sure that this is almost impossible D:

Is 2 strength too low? I was thinking in 2 and at lvl 6 take the pack rat perk (so i could get the sharpshooter perk)
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Re: pathfinder-crafter Build
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2011, 11:27:09 am »

Not game needs to be balanced, but your build. Your char does not have to be able to do everything.
Re: pathfinder-crafter Build
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2011, 11:40:30 am »

sure, but in a game that have the full loot feature, surviving depending on other its pretty hard, especially with our 'pacific' comunity hahah

I personally like the 'harsh' game play but also think that the full loot for example its sometimes annoying (it could be a semi full loot, you lose only your back pack for example), something that really encourage the player to have farming alts
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Re: pathfinder-crafter Build
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2011, 11:54:38 am »

Your char does not have to be able to do everything.
And it isn't able. But other chars are able, so I make them. After verysoonwipe Mad Max Wannabe and combat ape is a must, rest will come according to needs.

I was forcing one-char-only gamestyle for a long time, since I've started to no-life in November 2009. It's pointless, so I surrendered and made an alt. Then another one, and another. It was much more effective, less time consuming and easier - and I want to play a game to have fun, not hard work.
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Re: pathfinder-crafter Build
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2011, 06:23:01 am »

Even if you had a char that could do everything, cooldowns would make it totally useless in large scale proportion.
Yeah, you got a multi-skill shitted char, that can craft drug, armor, and weapon.
But there is only so much craft cool-down, to efficiently craft 1 of these at a time.
So even if such existed, it would still be 5x better, to just make a specialize alt, for each one of these anyways, to bypass humungous cooldowns.

srry, for mostly offtopic.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
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