Bad idea. Only thing it will do: noobs will have their bases raped, big gangs will have enough mercs inside to wipe everyone who happen to enter and get their stuff. And no player will guard his bases 24/24.And ultimately, most of stuff will be stored in tents and/or taxi alts.
Furthermore (please be honest with yourselves), what makes this game so cool? its the feeling of freedom and realism, the same feeling of realising you can lose your stuff any-time or becoming rich. (Also, keeping fallout culture intact is a big factor).
Lets take a loot at this suggestion from a newbies point of view:Tralalala, I'm just running around the desert searching for ReddingHmmm... It should be near here.*Encounters a base*AWESOME, special encounter!*Gets shot by mercs*Wtf? RAGEQUIT!!! I lost all my stuff!!! Fockidy fock, fock fock fock!*Makes dumb posts on the forum concerning safe spots etc.*You can't describe it any better.
Would make huge gangs bases more likely to show up.