Would it be possible for someone to tell me how to make it so, for example, all robot sprites (Robobrain, eyebot, etc) have child sprites? (Talking about F2 graphics, not FOT)
Is it possible for it to still look like the child is just punching, but in actuality, firing an assault rifle (Robobrains have assault rifles in Glow) from a distance?
Or any other sprite, e.g. make all NCR guards (male CA) look like brahmin...
Is there some sort of tutorial on how to change one in-game skin to another in-game skin on NMA, or somewhere? Or would this not work?
It's basically just replacing graphic of original with new ones. First thing you need is to find out how is your skin named; these are currently used in 2238:
haenvi : "angel"
hanpwr : Enclave
hapowr : Brotherhood of Steel
harobe : Robe, purple
hfcabl : Female, combat armor (dark)
hfcmbt : Female, combat armor
hfjmps : Female, bluesuit
hflthr : Female, leather armor
hfmaxx : Female, leather jacket
hfmetl : Female, metal armor
hfprim : Female, tribal
hmbjmp : Male, black, bluesuit
hmbmet : Male, black, metal armor
hmcmbl : Male, combat armor (dark)
hmcmbt : Male, combat armor
hmgant : "angel"
hmjmps : Male, bluesuit (V13)
hmljmp : Male, bluesuit (longhair)
hmllth : Male, leather armor (longhair)
hmlmax : Male, leather jacket (longhair)
hmlmet : Male, metal armor (longhair)
hmlthr : Male, leather armor
hmlwar : Male, tribal (longhair)
hmmaxx : Male, leather jacket
hmmetl : Male, metal armor
hmwarr : Male, tribal
maantt : Ant
mabos2 : Frank Horrigan (no legs)
maboss : Frank Horrigan
mabran : The Brain/Fat Rat God
mabrom : Brahmin
maclaw : Deathclaw, big
maclw2 : Deathclaw, small
macybr : Robodog
macybr : Robodog
maddog : Wolf/Dog
madegg : Egg (unofficial Players skin)
madeth : Goris (deathclaw)
mafeye : Roboeye
mafire : Fire gecko
magcko : Golden gecko
magko2 : Silver gecko
magun2 : Plasma turret
magunn : Turret
mahand : Mr. Handy
malien : Alien/Wanamingo
mamant : Mantis
mamrat : Molerat
mamtn2 : Nightkin
mamtnt : SuperMutant
mamurt : Pigrat
maplnt : Spore plant
maquen : Wanamingo Queen
marobe : Goris (robe)
marobo : Robobrain
marobt : Robot/Mech
mascp2 : Radscorpion, small
mascrp : Radscorpion, big
masphn : Floater
masrat : Rat
mathng : Centaur
nablue : Robe, blue (unofficial Game Masters skin)
nabrwn : Robe, brown
nachld : Boy
naghul : Ghoul
naglow : Ghoul, Glowing One
napowr : Brotherhood of Steel (no helmet)
narobe : Monk/Holy Person
navgul : Gecko Ghoul (running)
nawhit : Hubologist
nfasia : Female, Shi villager
nfbrlp : Female villager
nfchld : Girl
nflynn : Lynette
nfmaxx : Female, punk
nfmetl : Female, warrior (metal armor)
nfnice : Miss Kitty
nfpeas : Female, shop vendor
nfprim : Female, tribal (pony tail)
nftrmp : Female, prostitute
nfvalt : Female, bluesuit (VC)
nfvred : Female, bluesuit (V13), red hairs
nmasia : Male, Shi villager
nmbonc : Mobster
nmboxx : Boxer
nmbpea : Bootlegger
nmbrlp : Male, villager
nmbrsr : Bouncer
nmbsnp : Male, villager, green shirt
nmcopp : NCR police
nmdocc : Doctor
nmfatt : Vic/Jesus Mordino
nmgang : Male, Dragon follower
nmgrch : Dwarf/Buster
nmlabb : Scientist
nmlosr : Beggar/Loser
nmlthr : Cassidy/Tycho
nmmaxx : Raider/Ian
nmmexi : Thug
nmmyrn : Myron
nmnice : AHS-9/President
nmoldd : Mr.Salvatore
nmpeas : Homesteader
nmrgng : Male, Lo Pan follower
nmval0 : "angel"
nmval1 : "angel"
nmvalt : Male, bluesuit
nmwarr : Male, tribal (mohawk)
Two extra letters after name define when given animation will be played. You can check list on
NMA ModGuide to find specific sequence.
When you find what you need, just rename files and make it loaded by client (as described
here, replace
sound/sfx/ with
art/critters/). Here's some fast
example - "Vault Boxer" made by Pixote, replacing some of default male bluesuit animations.
It's best to have all directions packed in one .FRM; files .FR[0-5] are sequences for specific direction, where 0 is NE and 5 is NW, .FRM have them all. If original is saved as .FRM and your replacement is .FR[0-5], it may be never played.
Best for start would be to replace graphic with one which was created for given critter; replacing default player skin with ghoul may require some extra work, as this critters move with different speed.