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Author Topic: OSAMA BIN LADEN DEAD  (Read 18844 times)


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« Reply #105 on: May 06, 2011, 05:49:27 pm »

I showed the "rage" in my posts to show you exactly what kilgore meant about your posts darling.

OSAMA PK'ed 3000 people on 9/11 and APK's hunted him down.

Argentina cannot into space

Golden comments.

Want me to get back on topic? I don't think Bin Laden's dead was something good, or bad. I didn't really care about that man, as he obviously was not Mother Theresa. What I can't stand is the USA being so proud of shooting an old man who was a criminal. In democracy, criminals get a trial, they get shot in dictatorships. The USA are far from defending democracy.

Also, I don't personally think Bin Laden was as much of a threat as an individual, so I don't see the point in celebrating his death (at lesat as a victory in a fight in the middle of a war) or thinking the war on terrorism (which is a lie anyway) is over.

Bin Laden's dead was in my opinion just to make Obama look like a hero in shining armor, but doesn't really add much to USA's victory in the war on terrorism, which, like I already said, is completely a lie, as these "acts of terrorism" are an expression against imperialism. Not the best kind of way to fight against imperialism? right, we agree on that, but USA is still imperialist.

Also, sorry to insist, but Al Qaida and the Islamics in general are not much of a threat to humankind as the United States is and has been for decades and decades.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 06:14:00 pm by Eternauta »

White Eagle

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« Reply #106 on: May 06, 2011, 06:12:22 pm »

Quote from: CNN
Report: Al-Qaida Confirms Osama bin Laden's Death

so we are now 100% sure. Lol
« Reply #107 on: May 07, 2011, 12:23:44 am »

Oh forgive me for insulting Poland. But to me more precise it is not I who plays the buffon but the many of writers who collaborated together to tell lies on poor Poland!. For shame! Off with their heads!  ;D

With my sincere apologies I as I do not want to incur the wrath which is Poland! Take these broc flower and xander root. Together, they make healing powder.

Obvious troll is obvious


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« Reply #108 on: May 07, 2011, 03:16:03 am »

Golden comments.

Want me to get back on topic? I don't think Bin Laden's dead was something good, or bad. I didn't really care about that man, as he obviously was not Mother Theresa. What I can't stand is the USA being so proud of shooting an old man who was a criminal. In democracy, criminals get a trial, they get shot in dictatorships. The USA are far from defending democracy.

Also, I don't personally think Bin Laden was as much of a threat as an individual, so I don't see the point in celebrating his death (at lesat as a victory in a fight in the middle of a war) or thinking the war on terrorism (which is a lie anyway) is over.

I wholeheartly agree with you, but you gotta see the flip side of the coin. Bin Laden was for many US citizens "the root of all evil", even if it sounds inane for most of us. USA never really experienced a real war in their own country ("just" Pearl Harbor and , with some abstractions, the 9/11) - while the rest of the world, especially here in europe, already had its fair share of tragedies in war and is sensitized for that kind of stuff. That's why you rarely see people celebrating on the streets here when some man got killed/dragged to the trail. The americans lack this part in their short history of the country - 9/11 caused a bigger collective shock in their minds than we can understand. No war in their country for them - fortunately ofcourse, I have to say, no one wishes another country a war. That's why I can partly understand why so many US citizens jump on the streets and celebrate, because the symbolic character behind this shock is now "gone". I don't think that most of them don't understand that he can be replaced by just another person to repeat the terror, it's just the symbolic nature.

I too feel rather disgusted by people celebrating another mans death, especially when they usually feel superior to other cultures where people do the same, f.e in islamic cultures etc. Ofcourse I often say "hurr, americans bad!11 ;P" in a humoristic way, because some stuff the people there do feels pretty alien to me or un-understandable. But as said - you always gotta see the flip side of the coin.


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« Reply #109 on: May 07, 2011, 03:42:03 am »

Good point, I think what you said makes some sense but I'm not sure if "entirely". The USA, as you said, never had a shocking experience on their ground like Europe did in both World Wars, but there were USA troops fighting there and they were witnesses and, what might be even worse, protagonists of the agony and destruction Europe was going through (no matter whether they agreed on fighting or not).

I think saying "USA is evil" (the same way the talk about the root of Evil) is too simple and empty, but at the same time I can't understand this. Do their media have a heavy effect on them? could be (I can say some of that happens in my country) but I personally can't be sure. Have they leant nothing from those two experiences? Hard to believe, too.


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« Reply #110 on: May 07, 2011, 03:47:00 am »

Yes, but it's a difference beeing sent to some other country to "aid" in war for the "greater good" or if your very own homeland get's directly attacked/invaded.
« Reply #111 on: May 07, 2011, 03:50:05 am »

How about i put it this way, Osama was our version of Hitler, (At least for this generation) he may not have murdered nearly as many but he did it to US. How many celebrated when Hitler/third Reich fell?


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« Reply #112 on: May 07, 2011, 03:53:17 am »

How about i put it this way, Osama was our version of Hitler, (At least for this generation) he may not have murdered nearly as many but he did it to US. How many celebrated when Hitler/third Reich fell?

It's a bit of a far exaggarated stretch, but yes, this sounds about right.


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« Reply #113 on: May 07, 2011, 04:58:09 am »

How about i put it this way, Osama was our version of Hitler, (At least for this generation) he may not have murdered nearly as many but he did it to US.

What do you mean when you say "US"? "United States" or a highlighted "us"? If it's a highlighted "us", do you mean Bin Laden is like Hitler because he killed Americans (like, giving a lot of importance to American deaths)?

Also (no matter what the answer to the previous question is), and sorry to come up with this again, but, our military were trained and encouraged by the US. Our military would be "like Hitler", and USA would be like the one giving orders to Hitler about killing (or maybe Hitler themselves). What would you say about that? Especially when fact is we don't want to invade USA for what they did.

(Please note, I don't personally support that "it's like Hitler" kind of thought, but I am just sticking to your point, as you did say Osama is like Hitler for USA)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 05:01:41 am by Eternauta »


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« Reply #114 on: May 07, 2011, 05:06:38 am »

Figured I'd drop the bomb.  The USA has had a full on invasion on their homeland before.  There was the Revolution (Britain vs American colonies) and there's the continous Illegal Immigrant invasion.  :P
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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« Reply #115 on: May 07, 2011, 05:11:05 am »

Quote from: Eternauta
Bin Laden's dead was in my opinion just to make Obama look like a hero in shining armor, but doesn't really add much to USA's victory in the war on terrorism ...
Yep, Obama is trying to get as much credit for killing Bin Laden as he can so that his approval rating goes up for 2012 election. Simple politics. :>
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 05:13:39 am by Dishonest Abe »
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« Reply #116 on: May 07, 2011, 05:30:54 am »

So we trained your army and that somehow relates to your military being like hitler? I don't see the connection in any way shape or form. Osama being liked hitler was just to make a point, it's our most recent struggle and one of the few of this generation, as hitler and the third reich was the struggle of that generation. It doesn't require you to support him being equated to a US hitler due to the fact your not from the US. Ask US citizens who is/was the worst person in the world and Osama will probably come up more often than Hitler due to it being recent.


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« Reply #117 on: May 07, 2011, 05:42:40 am »

So we trained your army and that somehow relates to your military being like hitler? I don't see the connection in any way shape or form.

Osama kills Americans -> Osama is like Hitler for the USA
USA trains and encourages our military to kill Argentineans -> USA/the military Junta is like Hitler for Argentina

Osama being liked hitler was just to make a point, it's our most recent struggle and one of the few of this generation, as hitler and the third reich was the struggle of that generation. It doesn't require you to support him being equated to a US hitler due to the fact your not from the US.

Hmm I'm not sure I got your point. If you are just saying Osama is like Hitler for the Americans only (that is, from the avarage American's point of view), because of the American deaths, then I can say I understand you, which of course doesn't mean I agree. Also, I'd like the Americans to realize how much their country makes and has made other countries suffer, for example mine. But it seems that talking about the history of my country automatically makes me a "butthurt hippie".

Ask US citizens who is/was the worst person in the world and Osama will probably come up more often than Hitler due to it being recent.

You are completely right about that. But it's sad because, in my opinion, it means Americans don't care about history and only care about themselves.


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« Reply #118 on: May 07, 2011, 05:46:14 am »

Eternauta, I'm not saying you are wrong or right; but can you give specific examples of how the US has made Argentina suffer? You seem to be using the US as a scapegoat.
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« Reply #119 on: May 07, 2011, 06:05:15 am »

Apparently Americans are the root of all argentina's problem Abe, i thought you knew that  ::) Apparently we destroyed their economy, not themselves, we made their governments evil etc etc.
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