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Author Topic: crits  (Read 7366 times)


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« on: April 29, 2011, 12:44:47 am »

So I meet two happy russians:

23:36:03 • You were critically hit in the groin for 22 hit points, knocked out and knocked down.
23:36:04 • You were critically hit in the groin for 19 hit points, knocked out and knocked down.
23:36:07 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 80 hit points, knocked out and had your armor bypassed.
23:36:09 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 23 hit points and were killed.

23:39:49 • You were critically hit in the groin for 20 hit points, knocked out and knocked down.
23:39:51 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 68 hit points, knocked out and had your armor bypassed.
23:39:53 • Screenshot saved.
23:39:54 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 26 hit points, knocked down and blinded.

23:50:07 • You were critically hit in the groin for 18 hit points, knocked out, knocked down and had your armor bypassed.

23:55:08 • You were critically hit in the groin for 10 hit points, knocked out and knocked down.
23:55:13 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 17 hit points and knocked down.
23:55:14 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 44 hit points, knocked out, blinded and had your armor bypassed.

23:59:08 • You were critically hit in the groin for 4 hit points, knocked out and had your armor bypassed.
23:59:13 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 38 hit points and knocked down.
23:59:15 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 34 hit points, knocked down and blinded.
23:59:18 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 35 hit points and blinded.
23:59:29 • You were critically hit in the head for 27 hit points, knocked out and had your armor bypassed.
23:59:32 • You were critically hit in the eyes for 60 hit points and were killed.

KO every 1st hit? I play a crippler and I don't get that many KO's.

Bad luck or WTF? ...


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Re: crits
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2011, 12:48:00 am »

holy shit man that is really unlucky.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: crits
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2011, 12:49:21 am »

Do you have 1 EN? If not, then it's very very very bad your real life luck + very very good thier real life luck.

Just noticed, it's different situations in one post, then it's ok, nothing special, just few criticals in a row. Prolly your EN isn't 10, that's why crit effects working on you so good.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 12:57:00 am by RavenousRat »


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Re: crits
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2011, 01:27:07 am »

It is 4. My LK is 10. But than again so many KO's. I was seriously thinking are they cheating or what. They did crit with a fist, mauser and a rock (yes a rock) ;]
Re: crits
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2011, 01:29:05 am »

Oh 4 EN, your anti-crit rolls are too low, so you'll be knocked down/out very often.
Re: crits
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2011, 12:53:05 pm »

please tell me you met them near SF and they were unarmed - using only hth / power fist?

I got same.. I have 6 luck and 4 endurance and got  8 hits from them (each hit was crit, each was knockdown and knockout.. crits wo't hurt me much - around 8-10 dmg.. but last crit took 110 dmg.....) I was wearing ca.. and they have no power fists.. only later i saw that they bought PF for next victims.. ( when they came to sf city)...

Aditionally - on hit from that 8 was aimed hth attack at my chars leg.. obviously char was knocked down... and leg was cripled.. rest was aimed atacks on eyes / groin.. each knockdown + knockout

Just after that i have disscussed it with one kind GM but he has explained that i was unlucky...
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 01:01:37 pm by Akiko »


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Re: crits
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2011, 01:11:48 pm »

Its not only because of low endurance. Its because of overpowered critical hits. Even with 10 endurance and stonewall u get knockouts. Its pain in ass... But what can i say. Snipers are for noobs, true mans or sadomasochists use big guns.
Re: crits
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2011, 01:21:23 pm »

snipers overpowered?.. I don't thinks so.. Sniper vs big gunner - i think chances for wining are same and much additional things will decide on a final fight result.


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Re: crits
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2011, 01:24:04 pm »

snipers overpowered?.. I don't thinks so.. Sniper vs big gunner - i think chances for wining are same and much additional things will decide on a final fight result.
uhhh...  You mean totally in the sniper's favor?  because it cannot possibly be the same, seeing the sniper has a 90% chance of giving a insta kill (Which knockouts count as insta kills, we all know it! that harsh -20-30 ap!) As well cripple to de arm which means we cant even use an alternative weapon, however snipers can take out a pistol....  They can cripple our eyes making it impossible to shoot (again basically an insta kill unless you have doc skill but they can easily do it AGAIN without cooldown).
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: crits
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2011, 01:54:32 pm »

Snipers are for noobs, true mans or sadomasochists use big guns.
It's because there is no ultimate Sniper/Energy weapon doing ~90 damage every burst with formidable range.
As well as this, needing high range and critical chance pushes their HP as low as 150-170 range, which is much less compared to 200-250hps which big gun characters can have. Not talking about base damage in armor done by single shots from Sniper and Laser rifle, are as low as 10-20 when not bypassing armor.

However, more it's bad, because single shot characters rarely value raw weapon damage (except for Energy Weapons, which might be on par with comparable Big Gun builds - ie laser vs rocket and plasma vs avenger ), this makes finesse easily accessable to exceptionaly long range characters, nearly guaranting critical shot in any limb if they come with 10 luck and two shots ( which is not that big problem with jet, even when they pay one extra AP per shot ).

Yeah it'd be nice if non-finesse snipers would not be doing 10-20 damage to armors, but say 40-60, and EW doing even little more, while seing much less secondary effects, and those being more predictable and costly to achieve.

I don't agree with buffing BG however, if anything Minigun should be brought above LSW, which should be toned a little down ( in versiability ).
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 01:56:36 pm by Johnnybravo »
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Re: crits
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2011, 02:38:18 pm »

I play a crippler. I myself do not get so many KOs. I do cripple arms, get KDs. But this is... well, it's something strange. 100% KOs at 1st hit, and many more.

I just felt like it was a cheat, seriously, you don't get that many KOs normally. Well, bad luck on me ;p
Re: crits
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2011, 04:36:40 pm »

I played crippler 1 wipe ago, I knocked out other people in legs very often, but it was on good critical roll, because it followed with huge damage also. May be you can't KO people, because it's hard when you're shooting arms...? ^_^ Try may be head it's better for KO. ;p
Cripplers are fun, when you're in jacket and deagle crippling hand of that metal guy with avenger and he walks to you unarmed and then you can even take his weapon if he was close to you, the only bad thing is when 5345873465 his friends are after next corner and you see few rockers flying in your direction almost instantly after you picked up his mini.
Also EN matters much, I have 10 EN and no Stonewall perk, because of 1 ST, when they're shooting my eyes and dealing 100-150+ damage with no other effects very often except for bypasses. Also with 10 EN instakills are very rare for you, anyway, if your character build supposed to be hit by others, you better pick 10 EN, of couse it'll be excellent to get 6 ST somehow too and pick Stonewall, and after-wipe all other anti-crit perks +anti-crit trait, so only plasma rifle / .223 pistol eye bypass will stop you by raw damage, if you have less than 10 EN, then you better have 10 PE and something that shoots on ~50 hexes, and you better hide behind your 10 EN friends and then simply shoot those who're trying to pick up mini of your 10 EN friends.
Re: crits
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2011, 04:44:35 pm »

Its not only because of low endurance. Its because of overpowered critical hits. Even with 10 endurance and stonewall u get knockouts. Its pain in ass... But what can i say. Snipers are for noobs, true mans or sadomasochists use big guns.

more like: snipers are for true strategists, big gun users are for people who just like to mash keys


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Re: crits
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2011, 04:46:16 pm »

more like: snipers are for true strategists, big gun users are for people who just like to mash keys

U made me LOL. Sniper was for good players only when there was no autoaim mode and scoped interface. Now sniper is avaiable for every single idiot. Just click-> KO, click-> CRIPPLE, click-> 4xDMG, click and so on... Sniper strategist buahahahaha ;d Play on 50th hex, open space, beware of small rooms! Peak of strategy  ;D

Autoaim and overpowered crits changed sniper into noobish character. Even if you personally suck, critical hits table help u and does 99% of work  ;D You just click... not two time like in the past but only ONCE :) Sniper is lame.

GO, GO, GO sniper lovers!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 05:08:53 pm by manero »
Re: crits
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2011, 05:16:36 pm »

you must be realy skilled in dying against snipers but snipers are not overpowered. Do you have sniper ? It seems not ...
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