Other > News and Announcements
Donation information
hmm have you guys thought about advertising for a company or something? you've got a decent product on your hands that you can make moulah off of... just not off of the fallout trademark but advertising for a company or something with a short 1 sec ad at the start or end of the game or on the update page could probably help pay for some of the server costs? it might not affect copyright crap or trademark bs... but ehhh its just an idea tho and if it works then your a business! just like facebooK! lol... i personally would not care if I had to watch a short ad while the game updates or loads simply for the sake of helping keep fonline alive lol or while you wait to respawn "sorry you died! But hey! Now you've got time for a coke, or some Hagendas Icecream! Enjoy it!
think about it if you got 1 cent everytime a player logs on you'd be set within the month!
hey, what about some commercials on this site?
i think it will get you some income for server's mounthly fee
Upload files to megaupload and get linkbucks account.
you get little money for them ;)
You can solve the problem of payment of servers and their resources in such a way!
1. Create a new location (city) in which all things will prodovatsya for X credits!
2. X credits the players can get by means of WebMoney or other payment system at its own expense in the game!
The system of payment used by many games!
This is slightly aggravate the game but will save all the Projects!
Unless of course you're right holders rights to Projects!
Examples of payment you can look here for example http://billing.tionline.ru/
We can't earn money with the game, other than volunteer / donations.
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